20. The Effects Of Fresh Air

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I was still burried in the scarf when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I tugged my legs closer to my chest and gripped the fabric tightly between my fingers. They can't take it from me.

"Elinor, I need you to go out there and get him to come back inside." Stefan said to me in an annoyed voice.

I shook my head no and turned my back to him, slightly lowering the scarf from my eyes so I could look out into the room.

"We have to get him back in." He insisted and I vaguely saw him pinch the bridge of his nose. "Fucking idiot." He spoke in a low voice with a strong danish accent.

Suddenly the scarf was ripped from my hands, and before I could go after it I was thrown over a shoulder.

I shrieked loudly and threw my arms around trying desperately to free myself. He let out a deep rumble through his chest, as he glanzed angrily at me over his shoulder.

"I didn't know finding your mate could make two people so fucking stupid." He said pointedly at me before he threw open the front door.

He dumped me on the porch with a thump. I landed on my behind and watched as Stefan slammed the door with one last vicious glanse at me. I heard the lock click and suddenly silence surrounded me. The sun had set a while ago, and the light was quickly dissapearing.

I sat against the railling and hugged my legs to me, slowly rocking back and forth.

I want the scarf. Or David.

The thought wouldn't leave my mind and slowly I felt nausea and ache in my whole body. My head started buzzing violently, and suddenly the only thing I could think of was finding David.

I remembered which direction he had left and walked down the few steps in front of the porch. In my state of absolute determination of finding him, I couldn't even convince myself how insane and ridicoulus this whole situation was. He turned into a damn wolf!?

But despite my best attempts of rationalizing, and even trying to convince my legs to run away I kept going in the direction I assumed David must be in.

Only mere minutes into my walk my ankle started throbbing violently and I felt my stomach twisting angrily.

I started to panick and began vigorously looking around. Tall pinetrees rose above me, and the dissapearing light made it hard to figure out where I was. The forrestfloor was thick and moist with moss and leaves. Beside my own panicked steps nothing could be heard. My breathing was becoming erratic and I found it difficult to form any coherent thoughts.

"DAVID!" I screamed with all the power I could muster. I slowly backed up against a tree, not hearing any response to my warcry.

I slowly slid down the trunk and made sure I put my ankle safely down. The pain was eating me up and I silently sobbed. The mere thought that I could not get to him, no matter what I did was causing a tough preassure in my chest.

I put my head between my legs and slowly felt my head throb, I could hear my own pulse and my crying wouldn't stop.

The only thing on my mind was finding David, I cared not even for my own safety or survival, I just had to find David.

I felt bile rise in my throat and I scramled to turn around before I threw up on myself. Just as I had gotten on all fours, I saw two bright yellow eyes staring right at me, only a few metres away. I swallowed gently, pushing down the urge to throw up.

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