Chapter Eleven

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Eddie chisels away at a gravestone as (Y/n) watches closely, paying more attention to the cute boy rather than what he was doing. He looked rather focused and serious, despite being joyful since he was making a grave. (Y/n) admired his talent, but his beauty was more catching to the eye than anything.

"Could you spell out his name one more time? I don't wanna mess it up." Eddie asks (Y/n), who was holding all the resumes of the corpses.

"Of course! Jasper Sacco. J-A-S-P-E-R S-A-C-C-O."

"Got it...thank you..."

(Y/n) nodded, looking through the rest of the resumes. "Ah, our next sacrifice is a boy..."

"Young?" Eddie questions, not moving his eyes from the headstone.

"Yeah, just about fifteen." (Y/n) read through his page as she spoke. "He's the bad boy type I guess. Piercings-lots of them. His hair is dyed black and his eyes are brown. His name is Tobias White."

"So he's probably called Toby, huh?"

"Mhm, I would think."

Eddie paused for a moment, taking a brief look on how much he's accomplished so far before returning back to was he was doing. "What's his past?"

"Like I said, he's the bad boy type. His mother died when he was eight, leaving him with his father who had some serious drug addictions. says that he went to juvenile for burning one of his classmate's face with acid at the age of thirteen, but the reasoning was never found. He's been bullying kids ever since and is suspected for the murders of five classmates."

"How did they die?"

"Well, their corpses were found in acid."

Eddie raised an eyebrow, not liking the sound of that. "So...there's no reasoning for him to be doing this?"

"...there is, but it's a bit mature."

"Heyyy, I'm not a little kid!" Eddie pouted. "I can deal with it!"

(Y/n) sighed, reading the reasoning out loud for him. "Okay. His mother seemingly had an interest in...uhm...little boys."

"WHAT?!" Eddie dropped his tools, staring at (Y/n) with a disgusted look on his face. (Y/n) smiled weakly, knowing that she probably shouldn't of said anything in the first place. "That's disgusting! And to, I don't even wanna think about it. He must have gone through a lot."

(Y/n) nodded sadly, continuing to read Toby's history. "Supposedly, he kills his victims to please his mother up in heaven. All of his victims are young boys that he finds cute. He was put into a mental hospital just a few months ago."

Eddie rubbed his glove against the headstone he was working on, trying to get some of the dust off. "I understand him completely then. He must really love his mother if he would do such a thing for her...but...acid isn't the prettiest or nicest way to do it. I would want it to be as painless as possible. Unless it's messy."

(Y/n) lifted her head up from the resume, tilting her head while looking at the focused boy. "Messy?" she repeated.

Eddie doesn't say anything. He then stands up and stretches his arms out with a giggle. "All done! I just gotta smooth it out and then it'll be done! I'll do it tomorrow though, since today we have to collect more bodies!"

"Oh, today is Friday, huh?" she muttered, dusting herself off after standing as well. "Well, you ought to be careful."

Eddie let out a sweet laughter before giving (Y/n) a big hug. "Say, why don't you come with? It'll be fun! I mean, unless you get grossed out by stuff like that."

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