Part 4

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may had just left peters room, it was a mess, legos and clothes were thrown everywhere. He'd come home a couple of hours ago, though he was glad to go home he also felt sick. He hadn't talked to Ned or any of his friends since he'd been trapped, which apparently he'd been out for almost a week.

Sitting in the silence of his messy room, his mind raced. He stared at a pile of clothes as his brain began to try and make sense of what had happened.

He was trapped under a building. He had failed to be helpful to the avengers, and the avengers ignored him while he sat there and almost died, and mr stark had gotten mad at him for it? He bit his lip. How unfair was that? He wished he could go back, he wished he could go back and say all the things he wanted but didnt say.

"Why would you leave me under there?"
"I was scared."
"I wish I hadn't gone with you on that mission."

"Ugh." He rubbed his eyes when his vision became blurry. He was angry, but it felt like mr. stark wasn't allowing him to be angry.

he jumped when his phone rang, it was Ned. Sniffing, he cleared his throat. "Hey Ned, what's up?"

"Dude! Where were you! You haven't been answering any of me or MJ's texts?"

"Yeah so, funny story- i may or may not have been trapped under a building?" He heard shuffling from the other side.

"Stay right where you are I'm coming, you're at home? Know what of course you are you have no other friends berightthereokbye!" The phone clicked when Ned hung up and peter came to a realization.

He probably should clean his room


"DUDE" Ned slammed his door open, with MJ behind him. "tell me everything- what are you doing?"


"Really? Because to me it looks suspiciously like you're just shoving all of your clothes under your bed and-" MJ pushed passed Ned and walked to his closeted and opened it, clothes and other random objects spilled out. "Your closet."

"It worked didnt it? My floor is clear and you can walk from my non suspicious bed to my completely normal closet." Peter grinned and sat on the floor.

"Dude your room is already filled with random shit you probably dont need. i dont even get why you bother cleaning anymore."

"Ah- they're not useless! I just dont use them a whole bunch."

MJ waved a hand and left the room. "Yeah, whatever, Ned promised me pop tarts and i expect my payment immediately."

AN: idk if you can tell but when i was writing this i was really craving pop tarts lol

Not to mention that this whole fic was made at 4 am while i was rlly upset 😀

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