chapter 44

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alex fell asleep on my shoulder she was snoring quietly. " alex, baby, wake up, we gotta go find a hotel to stay in" I whispered as I kissed her head she sat up and pointed behind us

"already covered it, while you were driving I made reservations at that hotel right there" she yawned.

" okay" I said as I turned on my car and started driving for the hotel.  When we parked, she got out and walked inside and got us our key.

" the light house top is our room" she pointed and smiled, her eyes giving away that she was tiered.

" okay" I whisper again as I grabbed our bags before heading up to the top of the light house room, I locked my car and changed into shorts and crawled in bed with the already sound asleep alex. She was facing towards the ocean with a small smile on her face. I smiled and kissed her temple before laying down beside her and falling asleep.

When I woke up in the morning I slowly and gently got out of bed and quietly put on a pair of shoes and a t shirt before writing alex a note that I went out to the beach for a walk.

When I made it out to the water, the slowly rising suns raes  made the water sparkle like Alex's hazel eyes. At that moment I relized that I have fallen for alex. And somehow, deep down I knew that she felt the same for me, at least I hope she did. 

As the sun slolwt krept imto the sky, I knew that alex will be waking up soon and would be looking for me, even though I left her a note, I knew that she would be looking for me. As I watched and took in the beautiful secenery, I felt a pair of small arms wrap around my waist.

" good morning hamdsome" alex whispered softly

" good morning my love" I whispered back.

" It's so pretty out here" she whispered again. i nodded my head in agreement " I love you russell" she whispered against my shoulder.

" I love you more" I whispered as I turned and moved her infront of me to wrap my arms around her to watch the water with me. " I will always love you more" I whispered again.  We stood out on the beach till we started getting hungry and we made our way back to the hotel to change quickly and drove to the closest Dennys for breakfast.

" table for two" I said as I held alexs hand. As we made our way to the table people were staring at me and taking pictures with there phones. But we ignored it and asked to be moved to a back and a little bit more private booth. Luckily we were able to move. " thank you"  I said as I took my seat and the waitress gave us our menus.

" it's been a while since we ate out together" alex whispered as she grabbed her menu and looked at here breakfast side to the menu.

When it came time to order she ordered a new York steak and eggs, while I ordered a ultimate omlet and Two coffees.


As russell and I sat at the table waiting for our food to arrive, I smiled and looked out side as the town began to fill with people. " what do you wanna do later my love" russell asked quietly

" how about we go for a walk on the beach, or what ever you wanna do"  I smiled and looked I to his eyes.

" why don't we rent a couple horses or somthing like that" russell said as the waitress came with our food.

" that sounds fun" I gasped as the waitress laughed " why didn't I think of that" I whispered quietly hoping that he wouldn't hear me.

" awe that's so sweet of you" he whispered threw a light chuckle. I blushed lightly and smiled down at my food before taking a bite of my eggs.

" yeah, I know" I tease. After we ate breakfast, paid, and drove back to the hotel, we decided to go ahead with horseback riding down the beach. When we pulled up to the horse rental shop, I was greeted by a brown and white Tennessee walker. " well hello there" I said as I put my hand on her cheek bone.

" oh, sorry about that ma'am, did she alarm you" a woman said as she grabbed the horses halter.

"No, not at all, she beautiful" I answered.

" we got other beautiful horses, would you like to see" she offered

" of course" I smiled and took a step away from the horse.

" okay ma'am, follow me" she said as she lead the horse inside the barn. After we looked around the barn and russell picked his horse, I turned and looked back at the beautiful Tennessee walker.

" may I rent this beautiful walker" I asked as I put my hand on the horses muzzle

" you may " she smiled and handled me the halter.

"  what's her name" I asked as I looked into the horses right eye.

" candle stick, but we call her flame, so people don't realize that we named her after the old 49ers stadium" after she stopped talking she played with her fingers " did I say that out loud" she commented.

" yeah, yeah, you kinda did" russell said as he looked at the Pintabian stallion.

" but that's cool" I said glancing at her. When she didn't look back at me I knew that she said it on purpose. " your a 49er fan" I asked

" yes, honestly I am" she said proudly. Russell and I smiled and looked at each other.

" I'll take this one" russell said kindly.

" that's bubba, our youngest stallion" she said as got a halter for bubba and got our horses saddle up for us and showed us to the practice yard where I put my child hood experiences to the test.

"So how do we pay" I asked innicently.

" by the hour" she said as she opened up the exit gate.

After russell and I rode our horses out of the building and onto the beach where we slowly made our way down the beach.

(completed)  loving you can be so dangeruss ( Russell Wilson fan fiction  )Where stories live. Discover now