Chapter 4

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A.N: Chapter four. I am not going to do all the lessons only the interesting bits, such as with her parents.

Dahlia POV:

The next lesson with my parents is interesting. I take back in all of their lists. "Right, today we will be teaching you about the unforgivable curses. Then demonstrating them on this spider. While Dahlia quickly checks them and inputs anything I miss. Can anyone name one?" Fred asks after placing the jar with the spider on the desk. As I sit at the desk. "Mr Balck."

"Cruciatius curse. It inflicts pain on the curser," he answers and I have to take a breath knowing that he is familiar with that spell because of his bitch of a mother.

"That is true. I don't know how to describe what it actually feels like. Soooo. Dahlia," he prompts looking at me. I look up from the papers.

"It feels as if your nerves are on fire and that you are being stabbed with knives. I don't suggest you try it. If held for long enough it can make someone go insane," I tell them seriously, before opening the jar. I whisper Crucio. The spider writhes in pain. I quickly release the spider. "To cast that particular spell just like with the other curses you need to mean it. Just then I didn't have to mean it as the spider was small and I don't like them which was enough to power the spell. With a human, you have to mean it truly," I inform them. I am glad we started with this one as it was serious and they won't start laughing as people did with 'Moody'. I look at Fred and nod.

He turns to the class and inquires, "The others."

"The imperius curse."

"Very good. Mr Roiser. But what does it do can you tell me?" Fred asks.

"It pus the caster in complete control over the person they cast it on," he drawls.

"Yes and no," Fred denies and I just know that Rosier won't be happy about that. "That is correct but it also is not as a strong will person can stop the curse and break it. Dahlia here the shortest time it has ever taken for her to break it is five seconds. We had a teacher that practised it on us and Dahlia was the only one to break it. Luckily I wasn't in that year so he didn't teach me. I too can stop the curse. Anything I missed love?" he asks turning back to me.

"You didn't explain what it feels like," I reply without looking up.

"Of course. When it is cast on you it is like a sense of calm and whatever they make you do is the best thing you could be doing. I have never performed the spell. So Dahlia," he tells them before silently asking me to do so to the spider. I mutter the curse at the spider and I make it jump around, it gets a few laughs. "Amusing is it. What if she were to make it drown? Or jump out a window, because that is what happens to people," Fred tells them sobering the mood. I had already explained I had wanted the lesson to go similar to 'Moody's but start seriously so they understand that this isn't a lesson to joke even if the imperious had been first.

"But so that it doesn't happen to any of you. I have got permission for Dumbledore to cast it on you and help you break it. Don't worry if you can't. I won't make you do anything illegal. It will be the next class. It will mostly funny things," I inform them. Everyone looks apprehensive.

"The last curse," Fred prompts them getting them out of their shock.

"The killing curse."

"Yes, Mr Potter. I think that is self-explanatory. Avada Kevada. Kills instantly The only thing that stops it is ducking," Fred answers.

"I would show you this but you all get the point of that spell. The only thing I think you need to know is that it is a green colour," I add to the explanation. By this point, I have finished looking at them. "Right, what do you know about these curses?" I ask standing up allowing Fred to sit at the desk so I can take over the lesson.

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