Chapter 1 -Nightmares

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Ciel POV

It was pitch black I couldn't see anything I didn't know what was happening or even where I was, the thought of it terrified me, shivering at the cold metal on my back through the thin fabric of my night shirt. I sat up slowly feeling around my surroundings trying to get any clue as to where I am, but all I could feel where the familiar thick metal bars of my past.

I then knew exactly was, back in that cage the cold damp cage that haunted my nightmares and never left my heard taunting me. I couldn't hear anything, no one, I screamed a piercing scream as loud as I could but all I heard back where my echoes. Suddenly there was the slam of a door in the distance and soon after came heavy footsteps getting closer and closer, then stopped.

My eyes shot open, and I threw myself into the sitting position on my bed covers sprawled over the floor, I lift my hand up to my cheek and felt damp, silent tears falling down my cheeks and beads of sweat rolled down my head, I tried to catch my breath as I figured out where I was, I was back in my room, in my flat, I was safe it was just a dream.

I looked at the time, the clock read 5:48 am, too early to get up, but I knew I couldn't fall back to sleep any time soon. I slowly got up, feeling a wave of dizziness before re-gaining full vision and going to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

I went back to my room and laid on my bed scrolling through my phone, 'no new messages' same as any other day, not sure what I even expected. I looked at the alarm clock once again reading 6:30 might as well start getting ready for school.

I went to the bathroom to turn on the hot shower and stepped in, I instantly calmed down feeling the warm water roll down my skin washing away all my thoughts about the past nightmare down the drain. After a while, I stepped out the shower, wrapping a towel around my waist and going back to my bedroom. I walked towards my wardrobe to find my outfit for today, choosing black skinny jeans and a deep blue jumper, I dried and brushed my hair. I walked around my flat once more grabbing my bag, phone and keys and heading out the door locking up as I left starting my long walk to school.

As I reached the school gates I was met with one of my only true friends in this school, Alois, he came jogging towards me shouting something about one of his latest fights with Claude. "I'm sure you two will be back to normal by tomorrow" I said trying to shut him up as most people near us were now giving us weird looks. "He just never listens to me and never talks to me, it's like he's avoiding me, Ciel are you even listening to me" he said raising his voice a bit when he noticed I wasn't paying attention. I looked up from my phone "Yeah I heard you" I said bluntly not bothering to look up from my phone "soo what do you think I should do" Alois said trying to get my attention "Alois I don't know, and I don't care relationships are stupid and for hopeless romantics who are just desperate for sex and think that love is real it's pathetic" Alois stared at me blankly knowing I didn't mean anything against him "Ciel you're so boring come on it's not like you'll be alone forever one day you'll find your handsome Prince to sweep you off your feet and carry you into the sunset" he sang as he danced in circles around me swinging his arms around nearly hitting another student in the face, I just rolled my eyes and started walking to class Alois following behind like a lost puppy.

Nightmares to dreams /SebacielWhere stories live. Discover now