Chapter 5- Detention

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Ciel POV

The school day went pretty fast after that, but now it's time for detention, great I'm going to be late for work luckily the uniform isn't very strict, so I can just wear what I'm wearing now at least.

I walk into the classroom that's hosting after school detention there was no one here other than me and the teacher 'well this should be alright then' I thought as I sat down at a table near the back.

The teacher started walking towards me "We're still waiting for another student, but for now I would like you to take all the staples out of these newspapers for the younger years to use for my next lesson" she said bluntly dropping a bundle of newspapers down in front of me on the desk with a loud bang.

About 10 minutes later the door opened as the teacher complained about the student being late, I looked up from my work and saw none other than Sebastian Michaelis, I swear he's just following my round at this point. He walked to the back of the class and took a seat on the table next to me, waiting for the teacher to continue with her marking before he began to speak to me before I interrupted him.

"Why are you here" I tried my best to whisper "I told you I would see you soon" he spoke calmly before I gave him a glare that could kill "all right all right" he put his hands up in defence "I was later to P.E. first lesson and coach was not happy with that looked like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed" he laughed.

I grabbed half the pile of newspapers in front of me and dumped them on my bed and handed him a staple remover, forcefully throwing it down on his desk. "Whatever just focus on the task at hand here" a few moments of silence passed it wasn't uncomfortable, but  it didn't feel quite natural.

After about half an hour I was checking the time hoping we wouldn't have to stay too much longer I had to get to work, I enjoyed work it wasn't too busy, so I get to read to book there whilst I work.
As I wasn't paying attention, I caught my finger on the staple clamp and noticed blood was dripping on the newspaper. My mind came back to reality as I noticed Sebastian was looking at my worried before standing up and grabbing my hand to closer inspect the wound. This small action made my heart stop for a split second, feeling my breath get caught in my throat.

Sebastian brought me to the front and explained what happened "go to the first aid room and make sure it stops bleeding then I'll let you go straight home" Sebastian went back to grab our bags and took me out the classroom, he looked at me having no clue where he was actually supposed to be going to I started walking there, and he followed catching up quickly.

There was no one there when we got to the room, but Sebastian insisted that I sit down whilst he rummaged through all the cupboards and draws to find a plaster, after a few minutes he turned around smiling holding the plaster up in view, seeing him smile made my stomach feel like butterflies I don't know why, but it felt weird.

I stared down at him whilst he wrapped the plaster gently around my finger, not forgetting to ask if it was okay or too tight.

After that we started making our way to the exit after Sebastian made sure I was okay I checked my phone I had 15 minutes to get to work, I could probably make it in time if I go quickly we walked out the doors and stood there as my face dropped.

It's raining, and I have no umbrella, great.

Sebastian noticed my glum face and asked if I was okay and if I had an umbrella or anything, which I shook my head too.

"Would you like a lift, I brought my car and I don't mind taking you home" he spoke taking his keys out his pocket. I thought for a moment before replying, "oh..I.. um well I have work today at a library it's not too far I can walk" I began walking away before I felt a hand grab my wrist "please I insist I don't mind it's on my way and I don't want you to catch a cold in this weather" I sigh giving up and follow him to his car I didn't want to be late for work and I don't mind that much.

I got in the passenger side seat as Sebastian walked around to the driver's side and got in, I gave him the address, and we set off. There wasn't much conversation on the way, just small talk of what I did at work and since I already knew where he worked.

After a while we arrived, and I stopped for a second before I reached for the door turning back around to face him "It's Ciel by the way my name" "Ciel" he repeated I looked at him with a mix of emotions confused and irritated "what it's not my choice what I get called"

Sebastian leaned closer and spoke, so softly goose bumps appeared on my skin
"but it's such a beautiful name"
his voice like silk running over my skin.

I froze and gulped hard as I could feel my cheeks begin to heat up as I pulled away quickly, facing my lap.

What was that, why did he make me feel that way, I don't even know what I'm feeling right now what is this emotion it's too much.

"Yes well I'll see you tomorrow, goodbye" I said quickly getting out the car and slamming the door before he could reply. I began sprinting up the stairs without turning around, so Sebastian couldn't do anything to stop me, and pushed open the library doors.

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