Chapter 6- Boyfriend?

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Ciel POV

Work went by smoothly, not much going on, it was an easy day. It had stopped raining by the time I had finished my shift, it was a short day only a few hours, and it was starting to get dark, so I decided to just stark walking back home after such a long day I just wanted to go to sleep.

I approached my building and in the lift to my flat, as the lift doors opened I noticed someone stood at my door  as I approached they came into focus and I saw the familiar blonde hair and knee-high boots and of course his iconic shorts if you can even call them that.

"Ciel there you are I've been waiting for ages I haven't seen you in soooo long how have you been where have you been" he started sprouting out nonsense.

I sigh as I walked closer to him "Alois what are you doing here and what are you talking about I literally saw you at school yesterday because you were 'ill' today" I said with air quotes.

"I'm still ill," he coughed jokingly. "But anyway come on let me in we can watch a sexy romance film" he said whilst shaking his hips and leaning further towards me.

I laughed and unlocked the door to my flat as he ran past me diving on the sofa and turning on the TV flicking through all the channels.

I went to my room to get a quick shower and change my clothes into something more comfortable. I came out of the shower and towel dried my hair throwing on a hoodie and some joggers I wear around the house, then I headed back into the living room grabbing some popcorn as I was craving something sweet and sitting down on the sofa next to Alois.

After about 30 mins I could tell Alois was getting bored he was moving around in his seat and looking around the room.

"CIEL" he screamed grabbing my shoulders making me look him in the eyes "the new guy, tall, dark, mysterious he's really fit you know and good-looking, I wouldn't mind if I did you know I bet he's fantastic at sex"

Something about Alois talking about Sebastian like that made something inside me turn weird, it was like I felt slight anger boiling up in my why wouldn't I be angry, no I don't think it's anger it's something else. 'Jealousy?' I questioned myself why would I be jealous, there's no reason to feel this way, so I pushed it to the back of my head.

"Sebastian" I said quietly, getting confused looks from Alois as he tilted his head. "Sebastian, his name is Sebastian, and he's actually really nice," I spoke quietly as I could feel heat rising in my cheeks once more.

Alois looked at me in disbelief before screaming yet again "you have a boyfriend" "Alois what the fuck no I don't I told you I don't want a boyfriend, he just gave me lift to work yesterday because it was raining, and we had detention together nothing else" I said trying to calm him down.

"Nope you like him, I can tell, just look at you your face lit up when you spoke about him and don't act like I didn't see that blush earlier Mr" he said poking my cheek.

I just pushed him away and focused back on the film, trying to ignore the fact he was still staring at me trying to make me say more, after a while he finally gave up and carried on watching the film as well.

After a while of eating popcorn and watching random shows and films on TV, Alois was laid asleep on my shoulder, signalling that it was probably a good time to go to bed.

I slowly got up trying my best not to disturb Alois, I went to the cupboard in my bedroom and picked up a blanket walking back to Alois and placing it gently on top of him. I then went back to my room to get ready for bed and scroll through my phone for a while.

I then noticed a notification from Instagram with a new follow request, I clicked on the app waiting for it to loud as I saw the request was from a very familiar face something inside me sparked as I read the name 'Sebastian Michaelis has requested to follow you'

I smiled to myself as I held my phone tight to my chest after accepting the request.

A few minutes past before I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth I head my phone notifying me that I got a message, I ran to my bed diving on it to reach my phone with my toothbrush still in my mouth I looked at my phone disappointed it was Alois texting me saying good night, but texting back anyway.

I went back to the bathroom to finish brushing my teeth and then got in bed, setting my alarm and checking my phone one more time.

Nightmares to dreams /SebacielWhere stories live. Discover now