Chapter 15- Apologies

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Ciel POV

I was sat in my last class, foot bouncing impatiently, staring at the clock as it ticked slowly, there was only a few more minutes before the end of the day and Sebastian still hadn't come to school, so I decided as soon as this boring class is over I was going to Sebastian's house, I needed to talk to him and if he wasn't answering my messages then I was going to go to his home.

The school bell rang as people started getting out of their seats, I had already packed away and was already running out the door.

I reached Sebastian's house, his car in the driveway I walked up the driveway, I climbed the few steps to the entrance, the large double doors standing still in front of me.

I stood for a few minutes as my breathing calmed down, my hand raised knocking on the door, I rang the bell remember how big the house is and that he probably couldn't hear me, I kept knocking on the door as my nerves grew.

My breath got caught in mu throat as the door began to open, showing Sebastian with a shocked expression on his face. His face twisted in confusion.

"Umm hi" I said quietly looking up into his eyes. I could see how hurt he was.

"Ciel?" His eyes wide in shock.

"I need to speak with you, I'm so sorry" I said stepping forward slightly as he leaned against the door softly.

"I can't, Ciel I can't do this, not now" he stepped back stumbling a bit as he tried to close the door.
I jumped forwards pushing the door back open running into the house before he could close the door on me, this is the only chance I have, I have to make things right.

"Sebastian, please listen to me." I pleaded with him to let him hear me out.

He hesitated slightly before nodding his head slowly closing the door and heading towards the living room motioning for me to follow him.

He sat on the sofa as I sat next to him, leaving a reasonable space between us. I looked down at the space frowning slightly as I remember last week when I had come to Sebastian's house for the first time, and we sat so close to each other no space between us. I created this distance, and I was going to fix it.

I faced him as he kept his head down, looking at his lap. I took a deep breath as I prepared myself, okay, here it goes.

"Sebastian, I'm so sorry that I said all those things, I didn't mean to none of what I said was true I enjoy having you round, I feel so appreciated when you're here when you protect me, when you hold me in your arms I really do enjoy being in your company. I felt anxious and when Claude came that just made everything worse, and I took it out on you, I shouldn't have done that you were only trying to help me and I really needed that, thank you so much for putting up with me, looking after me even when I push you away you're always there for me and.. and I don't deserve you, you've done so much for me. I never should have said those things, I'm sorry I hurt you. My chest hurts when I'm not around you and when I am, I have butterflies in my stomach, your smile makes me happy, being in your arms makes me feel safe, you make me feel loved and appreciated, and I haven't felt that in so many years, I think .. I think I like you, I really do like you, you deserve better, you deserve the world, and I'm sorry"

I looked back up as I realised I was no longer looking at Sebastian and my head hung down staring at his leg. I looked into his eyes trying to pick apart what he was thinking and feeling, I couldn't pick a single emotion. His eyes staring into mine, his lips slightly parted.

"Ciel" he spoke in a silky soft voice he placed one hand on top of mine and the other hand upon my cheek, I leaned into his hand missing his touch, heat rising to my cheeks dusting them with a light pink, I fluttered my eyes shut momentarily as my other hand reached up to place it on top of his hand which was resting on my face.
He rubbed his thumb over my cheek as my eyes fluttered back open I looked into his mahogany eyes which had a soft look to them.

"I'm sorry too," he said, his voice just above a whisper.

I opened my mouth to protest, but Sebastian cut my off before I could.

"No, I am, I reacted without hearing your side of the story. I over exaggerated, and I'm so sorry, I should have listened"

I inched closer as his other hand wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer towards him.

"I've missed you so much, you make me feel complete it felt like a piece of me was missing all my life, and then you came, and my world seemed brighter, I miss being with you, near you, I miss your touch and your smile. You make life better, and I really enjoy having you in my arms"

He said, his eyes not leaving mine.

I slowly climbed on top of his lap facing him, his hands still resting one on my hip and one on my cheek, his eyes still looking into mine.

"I like you too, I truly do, with all my heart"

I could feel a smile creeping up on my face with those words, my heartbeat quickening, thumping louder in my chest as his face came closer to mine.

His hand not leaving my cheek as he slides his thumb over my bottom lip, his face now inches away from mine. I can feel my face heat up even more than I knew was possible.

He leaned in closer, eyes flickering from my eyes to my lips and back up to my eyes again.

"Ciel" he breathed out quietly.

"Sebastian" I replied with a shaky voice.

"Can I kiss you?" he finally said in a quiet whisper.

I nodded my head quickly leaning closer, so our lips grazed across each others.

"Please" I breathed out.

My eyes fluttered closed as I felt his lips on mine closing the gap between us, our lips moved in sync with each other, I could feel him smiling into the kiss.

It was a short but sweet kiss filled with passion and need.

We separated from each other, breathing deeply whilst looking into each other's eyes. I leaned my head down on his chest as he ran his hand up and down my back gently.

"Thank you" I mumbled into his chest.

He placed a soft kiss to the top of my head.

"Of course, my love," he spoke softly into my hair.

I smiled at the nickname, snuggling further into his chest.

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