march 1st

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Y/N SURVIVED HER FIRST WEEK AT U.A. Compared to her first day, she was getting along with most of her classmates. Despite how she'd often get into arguments—specifically with Kaminari and Midoriya—everything was going smoothly.

It was now Saturday morning, marking the first day of March. Most of the students were gathered in the common area for breakfast, all but y/n, who was sleeping in.

Ochako sat in between Kirishima and Iida at the kitchen table, holding a plate full of breakfast. Sitting across from them was Midoriya, Todoroki, Tsu, and Mina, all of them eating their food as they talked about random things.

"Morning everyone!" She gleamed.

"Morning Uraraka!"
"Good morning!"
"Good morning."

"I actually had an idea! I think we should properly welcome y/n to the class!" Ochako suggested, pressing the pads of her fingers together.

"Ah you're right! We should congratulate her on making it through the week." Mina agreed.

"So what were you thinking, Uraraka?" Midoriya asked, standing up to take his dishes to the sink.

"Hm...I didn't really think that far."

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