royalty cafe

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"HAVE WE FINISHED SETTING UP?" Iida entered their classroom, the students setting up the last of the furniture

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"HAVE WE FINISHED SETTING UP?" Iida entered their classroom, the students setting up the last of the furniture.

They had changed their room into a fancy, decorated cafe. The tables had white linen cloths draped over them, fragile tea cups, dishes, and silverware place on top. In the center were white roses acting as a center piece, and menus placed in front of each chair. Around the room were vines tapped along the walls, green plants hanging from the ceiling, and classical musical playing on the stereo.

"Yep! Everything is done!" Sato exclaimed, placing the last of his treats on the back table, there being cookies, cake, cupcakes, teas, coffee, and other sweet delights.

"The boys are all dressed." Tsu slid open the classroom door, the 6 chosen men entering the room. The class all turned to them.

Each of them were dressed in prince-like cosplays, all which Momo and the girls created. They each wore white pants and a white under shirt, along with black boots. However, each of their vest were different colors, them wearing a name tags on their chest so they could be identified.

Todoroki was dressed in a blue vest with gold embroidered detail.

Sero was dressed in a white vest with dark yellow embroidery.

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