Chapter twenty seven-so fast

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Annas POV

So wait we have to go outside again! I complained to levi.

Yes. It is our job you know.

I know but I was enjoying the little time of peace we have.

I wouldn't call it peace. If this was real peace then we wouldn't be called out again.

Yeah you have a point. But I was just trying to lighten the mood.

It's fine. But promise me that when we go out there you don't leave my side. Is that clear? He said with his hand on my head.

Levi I'm not a little kid. I confronted him and brushing his hands off my head.

I know. I'm just worried about you. I'll kill anything that lays a hand on you.

Stop being so protective! I'm one of the best here. I said walking away. I hated it when he treated me like a little kid.

Three days latter and we're off to fight some damn Titans. I wouldn't say I'm afraid but more like pumped. I was practically jumping on my horse.

Hey! Anna stop jumping on poor old monty. You'll kill him. Levi shouted out to me.

Oh hush I'll be fine. My old monty can take anything.

He's still doing it. Treating me like a kid. I'm capable of ridding a horse. For fuck sake I kill Titans!!

(Time skip)

Anna and levi both have killed an impressive amount of Titans so far but sometimes luck isn't always on our side. Annas 3dmg gear stopped working right in front of a titan. She tried to run but the giant caught her. Actually threw her across the forest and she hit a tree hard.

Levi POV

I saw anna in the air. I rushed out to her. When I got to her it was too late. I called out her name but there was no reply.

Anna... I said She managed

I grabbed her hand.

I'm here I'll always be.

I know I love you to.

I pulled the ring out of my pocket. Will you marry me. Befor...

She looked up at me and I could see her tears.

Hey. Stay with me now. Anna don't. Don't go. Don't leave me here alone. Please. The tears were poring down now on to her.

Your...tears...are so.....warm...

Anna...please when you're better well have a big wedding. Ok. I promise

I can't...wait....

Yes. I love you. So so so much. I said burying my head in her chest.

I looked up and she had passed out.

What I do for love~levi x OC fanficWhere stories live. Discover now