[ 06 ]

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As I get to my room I guess now, I get in and close the door and the thought of what he just told me Flashes through me and he doesn't want me to look at him as a monster but it's so hard for me to believe him I mean the dude kidnapped me,Stole my first kiss,stole my first Sex and that was not how I thought it would be with and fuvking fucked my mouth now tell me how am I to believe that kind of a person maybe I should give him time but I kinda like it when he is soft on me cause it shows that... Maybe.... Just..a teeny tiny bit.. that he...maybe cares about me or something....Nahh Jimin your delirious..

I try to forget the thought and head to the closet to look for something nice and I found a Peach Silky smooth shirt and matching pants and I thought 'cute' I'll wear it


Jimins puts the clothes on his bed and goes into the shower and bathes himself

10 Min later...

Jimin gets out of the shower and meets a Yoongi on his bed and almost fell to the floor

"Oh my- Hyung when did you get here?"

"Two Minutes ago"

"Oh okay"

Jimin passes Yoongi and goes to the dressing table to put some ointments on his body and infront of Yoongi and this just makes Yoongi lustful again but shakes it off

"Hey Jimin"

"Yes hyung?"

"Do you know how to dance?"

"Uhm... Yeah..I have done ballet in high school...why do you ask"

"Should I have a reason?"


"Okay hurry up and get dressed"

And with that Yoongi is out the door and on his way downstairs

'and the rude Yoongi comes out again, I swear this guy is more of a mood than me but that dominat side of his suits him so well...on me'

Before Yoongi left Jimin noticed a bandage on his hand and he wanted to ask what happened but it would be dumb cause hello he is a Mafia and he will have scars then and there so it's not unusual for him

So Jimin just dresses himself then after he has done everything he leaves and heads downstairs to a Yoongi who was pasiently waiting for Jimin by the door and on his phone not paying attention to Jimin behind him

*Cough Cough*

And Yoongi immediately turns to look at and is starstruck and witnessing a whole new Jimin and he liked it and Jimin noticed that Yoongi was staring and flush of red went through his cheeks and his ears started to do the same

"Hyung.. your staring"

"And what if I am, is there a problem with that?"

"I'm sorry"

"Ah Jimin you don't have to apologize for everything, at times you have to learn to get a bit confident with me okay? It will just make you hotter.."

And with That Yoongi walks out the door and leaving Jimin blushing as hell

"Are you just gonna stand there and watch me drive off or are you going to get your pretty ass in this car...Neither are an option"

And with that Jimin was out the door and closed it and went to Yoongi and stand inbetween two card just like Yoongi but he was on his phone and Jimin wanted to speak up and say something and ask but just waited and Yoongi sees this and...

"Which one do you want to go in?"

Jimin looks at both the cars and points to the sliver one

"Okay it's yours now"

And Jimin just looks at him with wide eyes asking himself if he is serious or not

"A-are you serious?"

"What you don't want it?"

"I didn't say that...I just thought you were messing around and teasing me"

"Do I look like guy who would 'mess around'and 'tease' people?"


"Okay so here are the keys.."

Yoongi gives Jimin the key and Jimin doesn't take it

"What's wrong now"

"I... I don't know how to drive"

"Oh okay..how old are you?"


"Okay so i will drive today, get in"

With That Jimin gets in the car to the passenger seat and puts his seat belt on and looks around the car and sees that the inside of this car is red and the outside was silver and Yoongi drives off to their next destination

20 Min later...

Jimin keeps focusing on Yoongi's right hand and how it is bandaged but he just hesitates to ask cause he is afraid Yoongi might be mean to him for asking and say it's no of his business but does it anyway cause he literally has nothing to loose anymore

"Yoongi what happened to... Your.. hand"

Yoongi looks down remembered what happened back at the house

"I uh Cut myself why worried your daddy might be hurt"

And with that he puts his hand on jimins thigh and Jimins cheeks flush red

'well yeah... Maybe a little but that doesn't mean anything I do that to literally Everyone who I suspect my might have gotten hurt'

And the ride went on still with Yoongi holding on to Jimins thigh and Jimin is failing to think properly and is panicking inside and Yoongi can see it

"Is this uncomfortable for you, fine-"

And before he removes his hand Jimin puts it's back and Jimin sees what he just did and gets Hella flustered and shyly removes Yoongi's hand but Yoongi won't let go so he hold tighter

"Should have just said so"

And Jimin starts breathing heavily and he is trying with all his might not to get needy but how can he not with Yoongi rubbing his thigh so slowly causing a bit of friction in his inner thigh and Jimin just bites his bottom lip and presses his feet together and Yoongi sees this and smirks proud of what he is doing to Jimin right now

"It's like your asking to be fucked again "

And with That Jimin hitched on his breath remembering last night and true to calm himself and he was also saved by Yoongi pulling up to a Big Greyish Mantion with a silver gate...

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