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[3rd person POV]

Jimin and Yoongi now are heading downstairs and once they get there they find Jung kook and Taehyung in what looks like what they were wearing... Gym clothes..

"Uhm why are we dressed like this? " jimin out of pure curiosity

"We are going to teach you how to fight...also Jung kook since he is also still learning" Taehyung says as he is now leaning against the wall


"Do you know how to shoot?"Taehyung but Jungkook cuts him

"Of course he Doesn't Taetae... Wait have you?" Jung kook says as he looks towards Jimin

"Hum okay no I haven't.. I mean where ewoukd I even get one from and why are you asking me that because that means that... Wait... You want to teach me how to shoot!?"

"Exactly...no let's go!" Jung kook clearly excited For shooting... 'Well thats new' Jimin thought but he felt it had something to do with yesterday so he follows Jung kook and they are the first to get in the car well Jungkooks car, Taehyung and Yoongi will go in Taes car and Yoongi will be driving because Taehyung just at tines like this doesn't feel like driving actually he is lazy for it and so he gives the car keys to Yoongi because Yoongi is a master Driver and if you need him to follow a car believe me he will and he will stay on that cars tail until he is told to back off so he is really good at driving fast too so Jung kook and Jimin are good Hands because they are driving in front so that Tae and Yoongi keep a good eye on them with all that is happening with the new uprising Mafia War...


[In Jk's car]

"Hey Jung kook can you... Teach me how to drive...and cook?" Jimin out of Nowwhere

"Uh yeah sure but ... Cooking!? Didnt your mom or grandma teach you?"

Jung kook asks and so Jimin drops his head and di not answer and Jung kook saw this

"Hey I'm sorry if I crossed the line or some thing... Mind telling me what really happened to you.. Only of you feel comfortable with it.."

"Its okay I can tell you what really happened to me... So most of my childhood my parents weren't really around, they kept coming and going and leaving me alone until one day they couldn't run anymore and try we're taken away by some loan shark and probably killed so I ended up trying to run from them too so thats how I ended up on the streets of Busan to Daegu.."

[In Taehyungs Car]

Yoongi was carefully driving behind Jungkooks car but then all of a sudden the car in front of them stops and Yoongialmost hit it

"Fuck! Why the hell did he stop" yoongi curses under his breath

[ In Jungkooks Car]

" BUSAN TO DAEGU!!!! YOU WALKED ALL THE WAY FROM BUSAN TO DAEGU!!!" Jung kook literally shouting at Jimin and Jimin holding on so tight to his seat belt and literally shaking

"Y-yes...Are you trying to kill us or something!?!" jimin finally out of his shuttering stage and so before Jung kook could say anything

*Peep peep*

Then they turn so see Yoongi with his hand raised up ask sing what's the matter and before Jung kook could do anything He gets a phone call from Take and so he picks it up


Don't baby me! Why did you stop the car!?

I just...

Jung kook looks at Jimin first

I just thought I saw something ... Don't worry it was nothing... I'm sorry for startling you.. Forgive me

Oh okay its fine but next time be sure Jung kook , you might get hurt and you might hurt Jimin... And Yoongi might hurt you... He's not wrong you know..

Yeah yeah I'm sorry can I carry on driving now?

Yeah okay

And with that Jung kook cuts the call and starts driving again

"Why didnt you tell them the real reason?"

"Nah they would think that I was being a drama queen about that...but seriously did you really walk all the way from Busan to Daegu?"

"Yeah I did... At first I didnt even know that I was in Daegu until the third month I was here for-"

"Oh my - gosh wait then that means you we're here for longetvthan three months right?"

"Yeah I was..."

"How long? well after Yoongi took you in..."

"Ah.. Seven months I think.. Yeah seven months"

"Geez!! That is just wrong of your parents and believe me when I tell how how far Busan is from Daegu.. Its my birth home.."

"Woah really!? Oh what a coincidence... But don't pity me please.."

"O-okay... But- wait how old are you?"

" 21...you?"

"23... Oh god dear I'm older than you! But it seems so clear that I am, you have the face of a baby or six year old"

"Uh am not"

"Are too."

"Am not"

"Are too infinity"

"Am not infinity times two"

"Uh I give up"

And so the two laugh it out and started talking about other things before they arrived ...

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