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The next day...


" Hey what's up with you... You've been staring out into space for a while now.."Yoongi looks up to see Taehyung looking at him weirdly

"Uhm *cough* its nothing... Just.. Thinking"

Yoongi obviously giving it away that he wasn't okay and so Taehyung wasn't taking it

"Hey don't lie to me! You never think while your eating! What's really going on?"

"Ughh okay.. Yesterday actually last night.. Jimin shot-"


The ta heard a scream from upstairs and did not waste anytime and dropped whatever they were doing and rushed Jimin and Yoongi shared room

"Jimin what's wrong?"

Jungkook ask as he was already there actually he came first

"B-blood!" Jimin shakingly says as he pulls out his hands to show Them but they saw nothing

"What blood Jimin there's nothing here" Jungkook says as he holds Jimins hand

"N-no no! Its.. Its there... You just cant see it! Its there! On my god I killed some one! I.. I.. Didnt mean to... I.."

"What?!"Jungkook almost shouting them shoots his head to look at Yoongi so does Tae and so his head drops

"What the hell happended yesterday.."

"Taehyung asks Yoongi who just drops his head

" Jimin was... He was you know... Raped by those people and so when we went back to the warehouse yesterday with Hoseok he said he wanted to come so he can look those people in the eyes and see them get what they deserve and so he ended up... Killing the Ring leader" Yoongi explains and so they all look at Jimin who is Rocking back and forth on his bed like he's going crazy or something

"Oh you poor thing.. Its okay kookie is here now.." Jungkook says as he pulls Jimin in and hugs him and so jimin does the same but tighter

"Don't worry that man is gone now and he won't ever touch you ever again... Jimin look at me.."

Jimin lift his head and look at Jungkook still shaking and scared "That man was very very bad person and he touched you without your permission and right now I don't even care about Yoongis permission because this is your body and your the one in charge of it so he did something that was terrible! Utterly Terrible and it was just a sinful thing to do so dont feel sorry for what you did.. He deserved that as much as other Rapers do okay so... Its okay... He's gone now... Just try and forget about him okay... Just forget about them... Close your eyes...good... Now just forget his Face..try and forget no matter how hard.."


[ Yoongi ]

"Did he really shoot someone..."Taehyung asks clearly also shocked and confused about this but I'm not anymore so I nod

"Whaa... How's that even possible for Jimin I mean like just yesterday he did not even want to look at one!"

"Thats what I said but... Its just so surprising but also no understandable now.."

"What do you mean... I still don't fucking understand!"

I look at him then smirk and carry on eating then when I'm done

"Okay so we first met... I kinda forced him into sex after I saw how beautiful he was and after that he cried and said that after that night I made him feel like he is going to be my sex toy so thats where all the anger of being used started and ended up jumping off the cliff and manged to grab that gun and give him three bullets"

"Three bullets!! What the...woaahh okay so all that anger of being used started with you.."

"Yes... Tae I fucked up..bad... And I don't even know what to do anymore.. After realizing that I was the reason in the first place and do you know what makes me think its me even more..he sang.."

"Huh? So what if he sang"

"You don't understand.. He sang 'Little did you know' and you know who else sang that every night.."

Then His face came to a realisation

"Oh.. Right... So what are you going to do to get him to trust you and not make you end up like the guy he gave three bullets..damn!!three bullets.. I mean like ive only given a person one bullet and they die as easily as one two three.."

"Yeah but... What can I do-"

"I have an idea.."

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