The Fateful Night

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(I do not own any fanart that is present in this story or in the cover. I do not own Harry Potter, it is in joint custody of the entire fandom.)

It was the night of the full moon. The Marauders were all anxiously waiting in their dorms. All except one, Remus Lupin. He was being brought past the Whomping Willow and to the Shrieking Shack by Madame Pomfrey.

Sirius decided that he was done waiting and got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" James asked, knowing it was too soon.

"Do you really think I want to be cramped in our dorms all night until we think it's best to go? No offense but I need some air." James and Peter didn't stop him. This time of the month made them all a bit grumpy and rude.

It was no help that the one and only Severus Snape was following them around everywhere, looking for something. It was getting on all their nerves. One slip up could out them all, Remus as a werewolf and the rest as Animagus'.

Sirius reached outside of the building and towards the Whomping Willow. Madame Pomfrey had just left and was walking back towards the school.

Just as she left, Sirius could see a hunched figure go near the Whomping Willow and get frightened, or annoyed, by it swinging at them. He had a pretty good idea of who it was.

Trying not to snicker at the idea that had just popped into his head, Sirius walked towards the figure. When reaching them, he prodded at their shoulder and when they turned around, low and behold, it was Severus Snape.

Sirius smiled at Severus' bewildered expression. "Say, what's a greasy fellow like you doing outside of your dorms, in the middle of night I might add, like this?"

Severus' face contorted into a withering sneer. "I could ask you the same thing."

"Well," Sirius began. "I was just taking a stroll. I love admiring the night sky. The moon especially."

"What are you getting at?"

Sirius put a hand to his chest in an offended manner.
"Now why would I ever elude to something that's not already known by you, Snivellus?"

They both stared at each for a few seconds, neither backing down.

"If you really want to know the truth," Sirius hesitated for a moment, but not for long. "I could tell you how to get passed the Whomping Willow."

Sirius charming smile turned into a more devilish one. Severus contemplated whether or not it was a prank before giving into curiosity.

"All you have to do is touch that knot on the tree. Touch it and you'll end able to get through without a single scratch to tell the tale."

Severus walked near the Willow and quickly tried to dodge the trees wacks at him. After some trail and error, which made Sirius a bit bored, he was able to reach the knot in the tree and stop the Whomping Willow from whomping. Taking one last look at Sirius, he walked into the tunnel.

Not soon after, James and Peter walked by.

"What was that figure near the tree? Has the teacher not brought in Remus yet?" Asked Peter.

James walked up to the still triumphant Sirius and took his shoulder. "Why have you got a look on your face? Padfoot?" James shook him a few times.

"I've truly outdone myself boys." James and Peter looked at each other, confused, before looking back to Sirius.

"What have you done, Sirius?" James asked, his voice slightly shaking. He wasn't stupid. He knew how Severus had been following them around a bit too much, he knew how that got on Sirius' nerves, he knew the greasy black hair that walked into the Willow.

Sirius looked back at James, still arrogantly proud. "I tipped off Snivellus on how to get into the Whomping Willow. My best idea yet, I believe. Serves him right for snooping around. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets out-"

"You idiot!" Was all James could scream before charging at the Whomping Willow. He barely dodged its attacks before running into the tunnel. He could hear Remus' screams as he ran, they only got clearer and more gut wrenching. Not long after could he hear the screams of Severus Snape. He could feel his blood run cold.

By the time he reached the Shrieking Shack he was out of breath but continued on. He slammed open the door to see Severus in the corner, cowering, with a werewolf towering over him.

Before the werewolf could pounce, James shot a spell towards the other side of the room. The werewolf ran towards where the spell hit and James grabbed Severus. He quickly shut and locked the door behind them and ran back out through the tunnel, still holding onto Severus.

When they got out there were several teachers just arriving. When they were out of the way of the Whomping Willow they both fell to the ground in mental and physical exhaustion.

"You ok, Snivellus?" James never thought he'd be asking a question like that to Severus but he felt at this moment like he needed to.

Severus, still white in the face and looking like he was going to puke, only grumbled out some words that sounded like him confirming he's fine. James left it at that.

They were all taken to the infirmary for a "private conference" after that.

Once Severus and James were feeling better, Severus was scolded for snooping around and James was commended for saving him. Sirius was then scolded for even telling Severus how to get past the Whomping Willow in the first place.


"I'm sorry but you still put both Remus and Severus into danger. Not to mention James having to go and save Severus." Dumbledore explained.

Sirius stayed quiet after that.

"Now for you." Dumbledore turned to Severus. "You must not tell anyone about Remus Lupin, understand? The events of this night stay in this room."

Severus nodded, although with hesitance.

Peter was the only one to go to Remus that night. James and Sirius were told to go back to their dorms for the night but were told that they could take the next day off to stay with Remus, unlike most days when they were only allowed to stay with Remus during breaks.

This was not the end though. No, it was the beginning of a long healing process that never truly healed.

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