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Here are some nice quotes about horses that I like.

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No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle~Winston Churchill.

Why do I ride horses? Because I look at my horse, and i see my hopes and my dreams. I see my happiness. I see my success.I see my pride and my soul.I look in a mirror and i ssee a person. I look at my horse and i see myself.~unknown

Challenge me. Dare me. Or even defy me. But do not underestimate me. For on the back of my horse. ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.~unknown

Bread may feed my body, but my horse feeds my soul.~unknown

It is not enough for a rider to know how to ride;she must know how to fall~mexican proverb *

All horses deserve the chance at least once in their lives to be loved by a little girl.~unknown

A horse doesnt care how much you know, untill he knows how much you care.~Pat Parelli

My second home is on a horse.~unknown

Show me your horse and i will tell you who you are.~English Proverb

If God created anything more beautiful; he kept it for himself.~unknown

To ride a horse is to touch the sky.~unknown

Horses lend us the wings we lack.~unknown

People say there is no heaven on earth, they have clearly never been on a horse.~unknown

Some friends have to walk on four legs, just so they can carry around such big hearts.~unknown

The wind of heaven is that which blows beetween a horse's ears.~Arabian Proverb

Thx guys

*That one is based on one of my friend i think she knows who she is.:D

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