chapter five

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Above is Alexis' fit for part of this chapter.

Alexis' POV
The morning is crisp and bright which had me opting for a more spring-suited outfit, a white tennis skirt with a Berkley crewneck and a white dress shirt underneath so the collar is showing through the top. On my feet are deep blue high-top converse with the top of my Nike socks showing over the edge of my shoes.

Seeing as I was running late when I left my apartment, I quickly put my hair up in a claw clip while rushing to my car. Lucky for me, there is never much traffic at the hour I have to leave in order to get to class remotely close to when it starts. I grab my keys and quickly hop into my car to rush off to class.

Psychology has always interested me but recently the class has just been boring and overdone.

I've always been told I'm good at reading people, it's sort of a sixth sense that comes naturally to me. This makes me really good at observing and talking to people, feeding them with what they want to hear and most of the time, getting my way. I guess you could say I'm a wordsmith of sorts. This is why I've chosen to major in psychology. The human mind and its functions have always intrigued me, making me a perfect fit for this major and making me top of my class.

As my car pulls into the student parking lot, I glance at the clock in my car before I shut it off and notice I'm running later than usual. I gather all my books and computer and shove them in the bag I grabbed before I left, at the same time as opening my door and climbing out. I nearly slam my door with the force I use to close it to ensure it's closed, and hear the familiar beeping of the doors locking while I press the buttons on my keys.

Walking into the auditorium, my eyes scan the room looking for Camden. As my eyes land on his mop of curly dark brown hair sitting in the back row, he waves me over so I make my way over to the seat he saved for me beside him.

Camden and I have known each other since the end of highschool. Back then we were acquaintances and friendly but weren't as close as we are now. I hadn't known we were majoring in the same thing until I showed up and he was in my class. Ever since then we started getting closer and now he's one of my most trusted friends.

I stroll over to my seat and nearly trip over others feet as I do so.

    My cheeks flush as I finally sit down successfully cussing at myself for being so clumsy.

"Hey Lex, how was your weekend?" Cam asked.

"Well it was definitely... eventful to say the least."

"Ha, care to elaborate?"

"Maybe after class today, you wanna grab coffee?"

"Sure I'd love to!" He says, making me smile in excitement. "Wait, I just remembered I have plans with Veronica, rain check?" My face falters in disappointment.

Veronica... of course.

Veronica is the girl he's been with since highschool. When you describe her, she's the textbook definition of what the 'perfect' girl would be; tall, tanned skin, long legs, shiny black hair and piercing icy blue eyes. She's always been so nice to me in a 'I'm better than you' kind of way, which only makes me more infuriated by her. The thing is I've always gotten a vibe that makes it all seem fake, like it's an act.

"Yeah I understand, that's fine, well go another time!" I can't help the disappointing tone I'm speaking in.

"Oh that reminds me, my friend got tickets to a concert that's happening tomorrow night but he cancelled at the last minute and I was wondering if you wanted to join me? We'd have to do some volunteering and cleanup afterwards but we get really good tickets in the pit."

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