How Did I Get Here?

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“Happy birthday!”

I chuckle gently and shake my head. “A surprise party? Wow, I wasn’t expecting this at all!”

A scoff was heard. “Okay, who spilled the beans?” Peggy asks, getting out of her hiding spot.

As everyone slowly emerges from their spots, I look over at Aaron, who brought me back to the apartment. “I may have interrogated the driver. I’m in my third year of law school, you’re not supposed to be able to hide stuff from me.” I say.

Aaron shrugs. “Sorry guys, I really tried.”

Theodosia giggles and walks over to Aaron, wrapping an arm around him. “I guess that’s our fault for sending Aaron of all people. He doesn’t know how to keep a secret.”

“Hey! That’s not true!”

“Hon, I told you I wanted to wait to announce our engagement, and the next day I got congratulations texts from everybody.” She says, giving him a stern look, then laughing softly. “It’s okay, I still love you.”

Angelica dusts off her skirt. “Alright, alright, can we just get on with the party? It’s Alex’s twenty-first, we gotta celebrate!”

“For once, I actually agree with Angelica.” Lafayette chuckles as he holds Hercules next to him. ”Que la fête commence!”

We all drink as if we’ve never drank alcohol before, and talk and hang out as music plays on my speaker in the background. I look around at the people surrounding me. Lafayette and Hercules were flirting with each other at the end of the couch, Theodosia and Aaron were acting just as newlyweds would over in the kitchen, Angelica and Eliza were sitting in front of me, chatting about some nonsense topic, and Peggy was sitting with Victoria on the other end of the couch. It was nice to be surrounded by people who cared about you.

Now, I know what everyone is thinking. ‘Where is John?’ Well… We broke up. We were still friends, but we found that it just wasn’t working between us. I ended it, because we just kept hurting each other. We were better off as friends.

I wasn’t sure if he got an invite or if he would even come if he did, but it didn’t matter. I didn’t care if he came or not, I was surrounded by the rest of my friends anyway.

The party continues with different games and such for a couple hours. Theodosia and Aaron were staying in a hotel nearby, so they left early. Peggy and her sisters were staying with Victoria since Carrie was off on vacation, but they were planning on staying only a half hour more. And Lafayette and Hercules were staying with me. We were all pretty drunk, but I still had my senses enough to tell what was happening.

Soon there was a knock on the door and I look around at the people next to me. They were laughing about something stupid, so I took it upon myself to get the door. It was probably Theo saying she forgot something. I walk over to the door and open it, seeing John standing behind it with a wrapped box in his hand. My eyes widen slightly and he rubs the back of his neck. “Hey, Alex, sorry I’m late, but I wanted to wish you a happy birthday still.”

I smile softly and open the door. “It’s alright, thanks for stopping by. Come in, everyone’s kind of out of it right now.”

He walks in and we walk back into the livingroom, and everyone cheers. “John, you made it!”

“Took you long enough!”

They laugh some more. I think they moved on to playing truth or dare or something, but I wasn’t interested in playing. I turn to John. “Do you wanna move to somewhere quieter?”

He nods. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.”

We head to my room - which we used to share -  and I sit on the bed. I pat the spot next to me and hesitantly sits down. He looks around. “I like what you did with the room.” He says quietly.

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