The Grim Reaper

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I ran out of my house and hurried over to my school.

Y/N: I'm late!

Y/N L/N, 17 years old. Senior year of high school. I ran through the streets and got to my class.

Y/N: Made it(panting)...just in time (panting)

I sat in my seat next to my friends. Rika and Riko. Twins. Riko is a boy. Also a 19 years old. Rika is a girl, the same age as us.

Rika: Wow, cutting it close there.

Y/N: The important thing is that I made it in time.

Riko: You gotta get up earlier. You're not always going to get here on time.

Y/N: I have everyday this week.

I looked at him with tired eyes.

Professor: Quiet back there!

Riko: Sorry, sir.

I looked back at the professor as he continued teaching. My hand was holding up my head as I was very tired. My eyes got heavier and heavier until I fell asleep.

Professor: Mr. L/N!

My eyes opened as I heard the professor call my name. I quickly stood up.

Y/N: Yes, sir?!

Professor: If you have time to sleep in class, maybe you can solve this problem up here.

Riko: (whispers) dug your own grave with this one.

I slowly walked up to the front. I looked at the problem real quick before I solved it. I picked up a marker and solved it with ease and set it back down.

Y/N: Satisfied?

The professor stared at my solution with shocked eyes and couldn't find anything wrong with it.

Professor: back to your seat, L/N.

Without saying a word, I walked back to my seat and sat down.

Rika: How did you solve that when you weren't paying attention.

Y/N: comment.

I looked at the clock and noticed the class was almost over.

Professor: That's all for today class. Dismissed.

I packed up and was about to leave until the professor called out to me.

Professor: Mr. L/N, a minute of your time please.

Y/N: Oh, um...sure.

I walked over to where he was sitting.

Professor: So...we need to have a little talk.

I took a seat as he began talking.

Professor: You've been falling asleep a lot in class lately.

Y/N: Sorr-

Professor: But...even when you do, you still solve every problem I ask you. I suppose I could forget about these incidents, but I want to know why you keep sleeping.

Y/N:...I just haven't gotten much sleep these past couple of weeks.

Professor: Why?

Y/N: Nevermind it's not important. I'll try to go to bed earlier from now on,

Professor: As long as you try. You're free to go.

Y/N: Thank you, professor.

I sat up and walked out where my friends were waiting.

Mori Calliope x Male reader: The Grim Reaper and the HumanWhere stories live. Discover now