This is an app in your DR. It does not exsist in your CR.
It is compatible on any electronic device. It cannot be removed.
It looks however you want it to look
This is what I scripted for my Lifa app:
ൃ.. features (default)
┆ . reality shifting՚
┆ . reality check՚
┆ . reality communicator՚
┆ . worlds portal՚
┆ . teleporter՚
┆ . room design՚
┆ . clothing design՚
┆ . dr builder՚
┆ . dr create-a-person՚
┆ . create-myself՚
┆ . scripter՚
┆ . brain image՚
┆ . desired scenario՚
┆ . manifestor՚
┆ . attractor՚
┆ . subliminal maker՚
┆ . spawner՚
┆ . skill increaser՚ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
┆ . motherlode՚
┆ . lifa credit card՚
┆ . lifa bank acc՚
┆ . lifa paypal acc՚
┆ . food delivery՚
┆ . cleanup՚
┆ . reset՚
┆ . natal chart՚
┆ . past lives՚
┆ . mood lift՚
┆ . brain power՚
┆ . grade changer՚
┆ . soul heal՚
┆ . feature adder՚⠀
⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀ ⠀
i can set a limited amount of minutes, hours, days, weeks etc to where i want to shift, or i can choose to permanently shift. after clicking to shift for a desired amount of time, i automatically go to bed and fall asleep to wake up in the reality i chose to shift to. when clicking to shift i can choose to be aware that i shifted or not by clicking the 'be aware' or 'not be aware' buttons. after the time limit has passed i instantly fall asleep in bed and wake up back in my dr/wr (if i didn't choose to stay permanently).
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i can use lifa's quantum browser to browse the internet on other realities. i can choose between my desired reality, old reality, wr or any other reality i created. every single post i make travels in energy and arrives in normal letters/images in other realities in 0.5 yoctosec. i can normally communicate with people without any errors or glitches. you can also choose which website from which reality
you want to connect with. eg. if u choose this reality's amino, you can then browse it from your wr/dr.
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any world i visualize or describe and insert to lifa (visualizing is inserted by wearing the lifa crown) is opened by the portal. it is similar to the really shifting feature, but it doesn't have a limited amount of time nor is it permanent. to travel to another world while being in a different world, think about where you
Reality Shifting Guide
SpirituellesHello there This is a guide to reality shifting Just to be clear, I haven't shifted just yet (am getting close thoo ;)) but I'm still here to answer any questions. Just thought this would help a lot of people