Part 7 - What a Birthday

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Greya's POV...

If I could erase this past weekend from existence, I would.

First the very eventful and mostly uncomfortable party at Becker's house. Then just when I thought I would have one low-key weekend, Chase comes down with a fever so I had to take extra care of him the last two days. To top it all off, Grams tripped and fell on her knee last night. Thankfully, she only bruised it and I was able to take her home from the ER around 2am this morning.

I decided to let Chase stay home from school today so he can completely recover. That and so he can help out Grams today. Chase is the blind one, but he's home keeping an eye on our grandmother... I start laughing to myself...I'm so tired.

"Happy 18th birthday Grey!" I hear and see Ari and Fynn rushing down the school hall at me.

I don't feel like I'm eighteen, more like thirty most days, raising a kid, being a care taker of my grandmother, balancing work, aka school. That's what most thirty years olds do right? My childhood blew by in a flash, skipping the irresponsible and rambunctious teenage years, and throwing me straight into adulthood.

"Sorry about this past weekend Grey, I'll be sure to make it up to you and celebrate properly this coming weekend!" Ari smiles warily.

"I'm glad Grams is ok," she adds.

"Yeah me too," I tell her.

I turn around to grab books from my locker when I feel Fynn grip my arm and spin me around towards him. I look at him confused but he just smiles and envelopes me into a tight hug. I sigh with relief and burry my head into his chest. "Thanks Fynn, I really did need this hug," I say softly.

"I know, that's what I'm here for," he chuckles.

"Thank you for taking care of Chase while we were at the hospital last night, you must be tired."

"Not as tired as you by the looks of it," he tries joking with me. "You should've stayed home today," he adds.

"We have a Calculus test this morning I can't miss, then maybe I'll head home after."

A calculus test on my birthday is exactly what I need...not.

"Fynn and I will be over with cake and ice cream tonight," Ari beams.

"Sounds great! Thanks you two, I'll see you in class," I smile before heading to my dreaded test.

As if my morning could get any worse, I walk into class and already notice Becker slumped in his seat in the back row. He has a black hoodie on, the hood pulled over his head and covering most of his face. He's twirling a pen around with his fingers like he usually does when he's deeply thinking about something and it worries me. I can make out a black and blue bruise on the side of his chin and small cut on his bottom lip where Mason punched him on Friday night. I take my seat directly in front of his and wait for the excuses or anything that resembles an apology for getting angry at me.

Nothing happens. For the five minutes before the teacher and the rest of the class arrives, there's silence. I'm the one who should be ignoring him after how much of a jerk he was when I tried to help him. This silence from him is unusual and nerve wracking. I wish I knew how to get through to him without him reverting to his typical avoidance techniques.

I don't know why, but I can't shake the feeling that something else may have happened to him I don't know about. By now he would've offered me some kind of bet or competition, but he hasn't. I have the urge to turn around so I can read his eyes. When I do, he lifts his head and his glassy blue eyes meet mine. This time I'm the one who flinches, and the look of shock on my face makes him retract in his seat and cover his face again. What the hell happened to him?

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