Part 8 - Freak

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Becker's POV...

I must've been sleeping for hours because I woke up to a dark room. I passed out cold in Cohen's car and vaguely remember dragging my body into his house. Feeling around, I finally locate my cell phone, tap the screen and the room lights up like a Christmas tree. Fuck! That's bright, my head is killing me.

I recognize I'm in one of Cohen's guest rooms. I've been in this room more times than I can count. My head is still pounding but it's 9:00pm and I have no idea where Alec is or if he's safe.

I hear Cohen and Declan's voice coming from the kitchen as I make my way downstairs.

"Dude, you're finally up!" Declan points out.

"Yeah man, how you feeling? You gave Greya and I quite a scare," Cohen cautiously reminds me.

Shit! Greya! First I ruin her birthday morning when she was trying to be nice and I was too ashamed of my appearance to be nice back.  Then, instead of apologizing successfully, I embarrass myself even more by almost collapsing in front of her. She stayed by me though, watching me carefully with her emerald eyes. She offered me to take her arm, already thinking I'd be afraid to let her touch me. She was probably right to assume that, she's beginning to realize that I'm messed up. There's no chance of redeeming myself now; not that I'd ever be deserving of someone like Grey. I may be a dick, but I would never want someone as damaged as me ruining someone as beautiful as her.


"Sorry, yeah I'm feeling a little better, just a headache," I answer Cohen who looks like he doesn't believe me.

"I'm worried about Alec, he shouldn't be home tonight, not after he stood up to Jack last night and had you come get us. Maybe I should get home," I start rambling until Declan stops me.

"Don't worry, Hayden invited him to stay the night at my house."

" Thank God! Thank your brother for me will ya, Declan."

"You could've been hurt real bad Becker, or worse, Jack could've killed you if Alec didn't step in. You need to talk to somebody, the police, or my dad." Cohen's dark brown eyes are boring into me, showing me how concerned he is.

I appreciate it, I appreciate them both and I wouldn't be able to handle everything without them around. I know I can't go to the police though, it will be Jack's word against mine and I'm an adult now but Alec isn't. Even if Jack was arrested, how would I afford a lawyer? Even though Cohen's dad is an attorney I can't be sure if he'd be able to help me. Jack has too much money and too many connections. Plus how would I afford to live in the house and take care of Alec, it's Jack's house not mine and I can't afford for the two of us to live out on our own. As long as I'm in the house, Alec is taken care of. Deep down I know I can't leave for college either, as long as Alec needs me.

"I can't," I finally say. "There is no guarantee that anyone would believe me. If I go to the police, it will just make things worse, I have to think of Alec," I tell them.

They are both still looking at me, trying to understand my reasoning. I know they only want to help.

"I'll just have to be more careful around Jack... not give him a reason to lay his hand on me."

"Most of the time he doesn't need a reason Becker, he just does it," Cohen reminds me.

"I know," I sigh.

"We've got your back! Whatever you decide and whatever you need, we're here for you," Declan promises.

My headache is starting to make me nauseous and I can't skip another day of practice tomorrow or coach will start to ask questions, so I grab a few aspirin and head back upstairs to take a long shower before going back to sleep.

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