Aftermath of the 'custody' incident

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A/N: this is an aftermath of the custody incident. It's also a roleplay I did with KZCool14 which was about Mr. and Mrs. Wars trying to get Whisp back but in a very fortunate turn of events and a hint of luck Ursula 'who was actually playing along' helped the Willowquims out and allowed them to have Whisp as their son once and for all after having the whole town sign 100 signatures. Then Ursula gave the Willowquim family her apologies for what Setin did and told them that they can continue to watch and take care of Whisp as long as their around. After a rough day Whisp, Carolynn, and Cinnamon went home. Whisper is a Willowquim for life you may say. LOL. But this is the aftermath of what happened.

Kyle was at Vega-City with Xander, Axel, Brandon, and Oblivion with their mother Ursula. Axel was in a ton of trouble cause she kept her mother alive and reformed a secret. Kyle said in a little angered tone, "I can't believe you kept Mother a secret from us." Axel said as she shrugged, "Hey I couldn't risk her getting scolded by you. She's changed and I didn't wanna let her get picked on cause of what she used to be." Xander looked at his mother and said, "Huh. I still can't get over the fact that this is actually you Mom. What was with the grey fur and hair if this is who you are?" Ursula then explained, "Well I hated the way I was when I became a broken down bitch so I bought grey hair coloring to change my appearance. But now I love myself and my new life and my children now." Xander then asked, "Then why didn't you and Dad told us we were twins." Ursula got a little surprised before she chuckled in embarrassment and said, "Heheh. I somehow knew that was catching up to me. *sighs softly* Well Setin and I wanna tell you. Besides he was told by the doctor that Oblivion felt different and had to stay in the hospital for a year." Oblivion looked into the past before he said, "Yep. She's telling the truth. I'm very surprised you allowed the Willowquims to keep Whisp in their family." Ursula then said, "Well I'm glad they took care of him and loved him son. Rage coulda grown up to be broken and insane but I'm relieved he was adopted by a family that loves him. So anyway. It may take a few weeks until this whole thing blows off." Brandon smiled and said, "We're proud of you Mom." Ursula smiled before giving her five kids a group hug. That's when Kyle said, "Hey. How did you convince Dad to go to rehab in the first place?" Ursula replied as she winked, "I threatened to divorce him if he did something stupid and didn't go to get help." Xander then turns to Axel and said with a smirk, "Huh. She's as savage as you are." Axel hugged Ursula as they group hugged. Axel then said as she and Ursula said, "Hehee like mother like daughter as they say." Both mother and daughter laughed as Kyle thought, "Heheh. Guess I wasn't the only one that's changed." After that they were at a diner joking around. Kyle didn't know how he should feel he thought as he looked up at the sky, "Squirt. It may blow off a few weeks from now."

During the past few weeks everyone in Whisper's school especially his classmates and friends gave him their comforting and worried words and asked if he will be alright and he would smile and say yes. Kaito would be there for him when they scheduled a date and made sure Whisp can be alright. Flippy would always have him at his place and made sure that Whisp will be alright and he has petted his black and white hair while hugging him. Whisp always thought of Flippy as one of his brothers. Everyone in happytreetown was there for Whisp especially Flippy. Splendid did said this to Whisp once, "Ya didn't think we let you be that easily? You have been raised and grew up in this town. Your a happytree-citizen for life and not just any citizen. Your one heck of a special one Willowquim and you always will be." Whisp chuckled when he started to feel better. He knew he has friends and family and the town to be there for him. Later that day he and his family got a message from Temper and her fiancé about some amazing news.

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