Monday-Night One

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----------------------------------MONDAY(Night One)-------------------------------------

Today was the countdown to the Hellion High School Prom. The dance was Saturday, and today was Monday. Which meant Charles Xavier only had five days to ask his crush to the prom. Which normally wouldn’t be a problem for the flirt Charles is. Except for the fact his crush is A) a high school delinquent B) a terrorizer of children. And teenagers. And adults. And C) in general, a massive prick.


But only sweet and caring Charles would be smitten over a guy like Erik Lehnsherr. Even his name sounded scary. In truth, Erik was a sweetheart. Not that he would ever admit that.


Charles knows the truth, however. When he was running from his abusive step-brother one day, and slammed into Erik. For whatever reason, Erik decided to stick up for him. Ever since then, Charles made him his best friend.


And of course, that friendship developed into a crush. So, Charles was currently standing by Erik’s locker with a bouquet of roses (Corny yes, but it’ll get the job done) to ask Erik to the dance.


Erik rounded the corner to the lockers, grumbling something in frustration. He took no notice of Charles as he angrily opened the locker to get something out. He only botched him when he had slammed it shut. He blushed hard when he noticed Charles just standing there, but quickly corrected into a sober expression. "Uh, hi..." he greeted Charles with that shark smile he loved so much.


“Morning!” Charles greeted, smiling brightly. “Everything alright?” he asked.


Erik paused, thinking about sharing his exasperating day with his friend, but decided it would only bring down Charles’s bright mood. "Yeah, I'm fine. You?"


“I’m wonderful,” Charles replied. “You know that,” he added as his gaze turned from Erik to the roses in his hand and back again. “Actually, I have a question.”


A moment of terror crossed Erik's face as he noticed the roses but he swallowed it. "Yes?" He managed.


Charles kept his grin, but was rocking back and forth on his heels. “The prom is this Saturday... And I was wondering if you would be my date for it?” he offered the roses over to Erik with a slight puppy dog smile.


Erik froze solid. Words refused to form on his lips. The terror did not leave his eyes

as he managed to choke out "The... Prom? Uh, I mean, what I want to say is... No." And with that, he walked away.


Charles blinked as he stood there watching Erik walk off. “Oh,” he said aloud to no one. He thought back to the conversation and frowned. Erik seemed... Afraid? No that wasn’t right. Erik wasn’t afraid. Charles was still in shock when the bell rang. With a sigh he tossed the roses in his bag without really caring about the mess. He was gonna have to talk to Erik at Lunch. Or something. Unless he plans on avoiding him.


Erik sat by himself at lunch, as he often did, as Charles was the only one who talked to him, and usually sat with him.


Charles found Erik and moved quickly before he left or tried to ditch again. He placed his lunch bag next to him and spoke quickly. “Are you going to run or can we talk?”


Erik didn't look at him.


“Or we play Charles doesn’t exist,” Charles sighed, and sat down. “Fine. It’ll be like our first day at lunch together! I talk a lot. You act all brooding and scary.”


He held a distant expression but made an effort to look at least In Charles’s direction. Only by seeing his eyes could Charles knew the clouded look of mixed terror and confusion that trapped Erik’s words. He tried to say something, but nothing came out, so he just gave up after a minute of sitting with his mouth open.


Charles sighed once more. “It’s okay. I know. You have problems with feelings. I understand and I can wait. Talk when you’re ready, okay? I’m not gonna push,” Charles offered, a speech he’s clearly said a million times before.


Erik's expression changed to anger, "I'm not a little kid, dammit!" He stood and stormed off.

“And that’s twice today,” Charles muttered with a sigh. Normally he’d chase after Erik, but clearly that was going to make matters worse. So instead, he’d try to catch him tomorrow before school. And pray that Erik will talk to him.

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