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A broken promise
There he was... standing in the middle of a field holding a ring. It was the ring that belonged to the love of his life. She was his queen.

*flash back*

You were having the worst day ever. You had found out your beloved sister had been killed, you were getting disowned, you were failing and all your friends dropped you. You just couldn't handle it so you ran to Draco's room.

*knock knock*

You tried knocking on the door several times but each knock was the same. They had no response. With a huff you opened the door.

"Dra-" you stopped dead in your tracks when you found your boyfriend and other sister in bed together.

"Love I swear it's know what it looks lik-"

"I know... I know. It's not what it looks like but then tell me why my sister is in bed with you..."

"It was a mis-"

"No Draco I get it. She's perfect in every way. She has the grades, the looks, the friends, the money. Just everything! Then you look at me... you see a person that has no friends, no family anymore, no grades no nothing. I thought today wouldn't get worse but EVERY. SINGLE. TIME! I AM LEFT IN THE DUST! I HAVE NOTHING! I CAN'T TRUST NO ONE BECAUSE I'LL GET TO ATTACHED. I GET WHY YOU CHOSE HER BUT WHY DATE ME! YOU COULD OF ENDED MY SUFFERS. I HAD FIVE THINGS IN LIFE TO LIVE FOR AND NOW THEY ARE GONE!" You cried.

"I know why you chose her and I would too don't worry! I wouldn't choose myself even if I was the last person in existence but you promised to try your best... I guess not everyone can keep promises..." You said before lifting your sleeves.

Over a hundred scars layed on your arm. Some new. Some old. You sniffled and pulled the ring off.

"It looks better on her anyways..."

You ran off to who knows where just crying all the way.

Draco's P.O.V:

I could see the pain in every word she said.

"-I guess not everyone can keep promises..." She then lifted her sleeve to reveal all her scars.

I looked at her with tears in my eyes.

She took off the ring and gave it to me

"It looks better on her anyways..."

With that she ran off.

I lost her.

The one I called my queen.

The one who comforted me each time I cried.

The one who was always here for me.

The one who made me laugh.

The one who stood up to my dad just so he can stop hurting me.

The one who made me laugh.

The one who gave me happiness... she was gone

All because of me.

I closed my eyes and shook my head.

This is so she's safe...

For her future...

I'll see you soon love. When all of this is over.

*End of flash back*

That was the last time I saw her. She went to the lake in the middle of the night and got attacked by death eaters. She died thinking I hated her. I cheated on her just so she was safe...

He lied to me

One-shots Harry Potter boysWhere stories live. Discover now