Viktor Krum

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I sat on the couch while waiting for my boyfriend to get home. You might know him. His name is Viktor Krum.

I waited hours and hours for him but he hasn't arrived.

There was a knock on the door so I excitedly jumped up and reached the door.

I opened the door expecting to see him but instead I see the daily profit and a letter. I pick both of them and head to the kitchen.

I opened the letter and started to read it out loud.

"Dear Y/n,

Sorry to say this but we are breaking up.

I have no time for relationships in my career and you will only make me weak. I never really loved you it was all a game. See you later.

P.s. please pack my things and leave them outside the door.
- V.K"

I dropped the letter and started to sob.

I slowly picked up the daily profit and there on the front page was my now ex-boyfriend kissing a random girl.

New couple?!
Our youngest quidditch player has now gotten into a relationship. We have asked him if he is happy with this new mystery girl and what happened to his last one.

His response was "well I wasn't happy at all in my last relationship. I don't think I fell in love either. But it's ok now because I found my true love and she is helping me with the quidditch World Cup."

I started to cry harder

He told me he had no time for relationships when he just wanted a new one.

I stomped into our old bed room and started to throw things around. I grabbed something and squeezed really hard. It shattered in my hands and left a really big cut that went from my index finger to close to my elbow. I looked to see what broke. I broke a mug that I got Viktor previously.

I sighed and started to clean the broken pieces. I didn't care my hand was bleeding out I wanted everything out of my house.

I started rummaging through my stuff for a big box. Eventually I did find one so I started packing.

I grabbed his uniform and started to fold that. I grabbed his sweatshirts and pants, everything that was his. I grabbed the ring he gave me before leaning against the wall. I slid down it and broke into sobs again.

I sniffled and lifted my head a bit. I could see a book under ou-my bed.

I crawled to it and pulled it out. It was a scrapbook.

I smiled at it before opening it.

*flash back*

"Hey Y/n!"

"Oh hi Vik! What is it you need?"

"Oh I just wanted to ask you if you wanted to meet me at the quidditch pitch later?"

"Yeah sure!"

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