Chapter Four

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Deciding to give Goliath a rest from carrying the both of us we dropped down from the steed. I took hold of the reins and gently guided him behind us as walked down the road, he didn't seem to mind the gentler pace we were travelling at

Squirrel was running side to side along the road looking for any herbs or flowers, he picked a couple of flowers and brought them to me, taking the flowers I sniffed them and shrugged my shoulders at him

'What am I supposed to do with these?'

'You use them you idiot'

'I still don't understand what I'm supposed to do with them'

'I think you make a paste with it and then apply it to your body, it will help with the wounds and clean them out in a couple of hours' he informed me. 'Or is it you make tea with it I can't remember'

'Well which is it Percival' I groaned annoyingly

'I don't know do I, I'm just a kid' the boy replied. 'I got healed like this when I got hurt a few months back by...'

'Don't tell me, Was it Nimue again?' I interrupted

'No actually it was Pym and she was the one who treated my wounds. She learnt what to do from Nimue' he replied, sticking out his tongue at me

'And did it work? You are no longer in any pain in your body'

'Well I'm still alive aint I'

'Barely my child. '

'Oh thanks and here I was trying to save your ungrateful life'

'If I die from this concoction I will come back to haunt you, mark my words Percival'

'Stop worrying Lancelot and just trust me for once. Have I ever let you down'

'We haven't known each other long enough to trust one another when it comes to medicines or witchcraft'

'It won't hurt you big baby I'll make the paste for you if you like'

'Only if you are sure you know what you are doing'

The boy nodded his head and started collecting some more flowers and herbs from the side of the road. I lead Percival and Goliath away from the side of the main road and into the deep woodlands to try his remedy for myself

Discarding the cloak from my body and removing my tunic I sat down on a log naked from the waist up. Percival took a small bowl from my satchel and started making the paste with the flowers, the smell was intoxicating but divine, maybe the boy was right about the healing power of this mixture

Percival returned with the paste and slowly applied the mixture to my skin, the powers taking effect immediately as I could feel the wounds from the Trinity Guards closing. The little boy gasped loudly as I noticed he had reached my back and saw the scars with his own eyes

'Do they scare you Percival?'

'No they don't' he replied. 'It's just harrowing to look at'

'I can cover those up if it's too much to look at while you apply the ointment'

'No it's fine it just serves as a reminder what will happen when you're captured by the paladins'

'You don't have to worry about them, you'll soon be back with Nimue before you know it'

'And you can finally meet the Fey Queen, I'm sure she'll pardon you for what you have to done to the fey'

'Then she has a too kind of a heart if she can forgive so easily'

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