Chapter Nine

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The ride back to our camp through the village was fast and a bumpy one but we didn't care for much, as long as we could get to the others in time to warn them about the incoming threat. Being out in the wilderness was not as safe as we thought last night from the ground we had travelled

Percival tried to use his sky folk abilities to send a warning message in the wind, hoping that it would reach Xeanhawk in time and she would be able to alert the others to get moving. I pulled harder on the reins to make Goliath gallop faster through the treelines

'I don't think any of my messages are attaching themselves to the wind' he huffed loudly, trying to regain his focus

'Just keep trying Percival we're nearly back to camp anyway'

With only a steep ride down the side of the mountain to reach the forest edge, our campsite would only be a ten minute ride away. From our vantage point I could small balls of smoke billowing from our campsite and an advancing army of Paladins coming from the south

'When we get back to camp Percival, start to round up the children and be prepared to leave in the carriage'

'What are you going to do?'

'I'll try to hold them back for as long as I can so you all can escape'

For once the boy didn't argue with my answer which felt quite strange, normally he would point out that we needed to stick together but after so much time with me he knew the survival of the Fey was more important.

Coming to an abrupt halt outside of the camp I jumped down from Goliath as the boy jumped into my arms so he could be placed down quickly. Klasood was cooking some toast over an open fire for everyone, surprised that we were already up and about this morning when some were just waking up

'You're up early, well breakfast will nearly be done soon' he stated

'There's no time for that now we need to get moving fast' I informed him

'What's the rush Lancelot? We trekked for miles yesterday and the next town is only just over that hill'

'We have seen an advancing Paladin army a few miles back and they are getting closer to us' Percival stated

'Where are the others right now, I can only see you here' I proclaimed, frantically looking around the camp

'Xeanhawk has taken everyone to a nearby lake to freshen up and my brother has gone for more firewood since we're running low'

'You best go find your brother quickly before he is captured and I'll go looking for the others'

'Go looking for who?' Xeanhawk interjected, leading the group back to camp through the large bushes

'Thank the gods you're all back. We need to get moving fast from here it's not safe anymore' I proclaimed

'What has happened now Ashman' she questioned, raising a brow

'This is our only chance to get out of this country and head out to sea and find a new home'

'Okay we all understand that but what have you seen to make you this anxious' she sighed deeply, placing her feathery hands on the side of my arms

'Paladins everywhere' Percival pipped up

'I can fly above and get a full scout report for you Lance if you're that concerned about their numbers'

'I'd prefer if you stayed on the ground and take control of the carriage, Klasood might need your help keeping everyone calm'

'I thought I was gonna go look for my brother' Klasood interjected

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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