Chapter Five

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We had been traveling no stop for over a day and we finally reached a town in the distance, where we could get some food supplies for our travels and maybe buy a new weapon or two for Percival to defend himself when I finally left him back with Nimue

I had come across this small town before on my hunt for the Wolf Blood Witch, very much loyal to the fey and should have no problem passing through. With my hood down the town folk wouldn't recognise me that easily

A lookout from one of the towers called for the paladins to be on standby for the incoming threat. Red paladins scammed the opening of the entrance and archers laid ahead at the top of the towers

'Just let me do all the talking and keep your mouth shut' I told the young boy

'We should be able to pass straight through right? They know you're the Weeping Monk'

'Are you forgetting I killed half a dozen Trinity Guards back in the Paladin camp'

'Word might not have spread that fast to them yet'

'You must be forgetting my dear boy, we have kept to the forest roads to stay out of their way'

'Your wounds must have healed by now Lancelot, Surely you can handle them unskilled buffoons'

'Let's just pray to the Hidden that they don't recognize us' I whispered. 'Not a word out of you even if they ask you a question'

Percival nodded his head and kept still, the closer we got to the gates the more Red Paladins surrounded the entrance. Pulling on the reins and making Goliath come to a halt we stopped in front of the first guard

'State your names and business here'

'We're just passing through trying to get to Dewhurst, I'm David and this is my son Toby'

'And where have you travelled from?'

'We've come from Gramiere'

'You haven't seen the Wolf Blood Witch on your travels have you? Only because she had to pass that location to get to here since she fled our camp'

'I've not seen her come this way and neither has my son have you'

'Nope' he shook his head vigorously

'Well you both best be on your way then'

'Thank you my brother'

I pulled on the reins to make Goliath go forward but we didn't get very far when another paladin stepped alongside his brother in red, he wasn't as unassuming and wanted to know more about where we had come from

'What's up with your face? It that a birthmark or something' He asked curiously

'It's a burn mark from my childhood, I survived a house fire but was left with the scar as a reminder

'Was it?' Percival interjected

Nudging the boy quiet with my knee he seemed to get the message to stay quiet still. The unassuming guard check Goliath over and stroked his long nose

'This is a beautiful mare, looks a lot like the Weeping Monk's horse'

'Who's horse'

'Another traitor to the church, bastard killed six Trinity Guards all to save a fey boy' He spatted out. 'There's a bounty on his head for his capture'

'Well I've never met the man and we are really just trying to pass through'

'You look awfully a lot like our fallen brother, even those marks around your eyes look similar'

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