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"Come here," he patted the seat beside him and she went to him. The first aid kit is placed on the coffee table in front of them and she took a seat beside him. "I'm going to open the bandage, sorry if it hurts"

She nodded, and his fingers grazed her neck before he proceed to open the bandage which Haewon whimpered in pain. He did it slowly, knowing that the cut is still new and cursed the man before to choke her till his nail was burried deep in her. The bandage was slowly detached to the skin and suddenly Jungkook accidentally pulled it a little bit harsh that she shrieked and held his wrist.

"God, do it slowly can you?"

"Sorry, didn't mean that?," He said and let out a small smile before fully detaching it from her skin. He put it aside and take the ointment and cotton bud from the kit when the door was opened revealing a red faced Taehyung who closed his ears. His eyes scanned the pair, saw the first aid kit and Jungkook strong hand on her neck.

"So you didn't do it? Thank god! I almost called the company - wait did you abuse her?"

Jungkook realized how awkward their position look like with his fingers rested on her nape. "I'm helping her, and why are you here?"

"Why? I can't be here since you have a girlfriend?"

He said sarcastically before coming closer to them and inspected her injury . "Let me do it, I have experience"

"You do?," Haewon asked and glanced at Jungkook who had already scooted aside to let Taehyung sit beside her. The man let out a cheeky smile before diping the cotton bud into the brownish substance that Jungkook intended to do it before. "I'm a nurse Miss Lee. You can check my license if you wanted to"

"Oh, I'm sorry," she said slowly and let him do his work. Her mind then wonder, if Taehyung was a nurse, then who is Jungkook? A businessman? A CEO? Celebrity or model? She had no idea of what he do, but he surely is loaded.

Jungkook looked at her who blankly stared at the space, not realizing Taehyung was almost done with his work when he sticked a new bandage at her neck and pat it slowly. "Done! Who thought I will work on my day off!"

"It's you who insisted, I can help her by myself," he said sarcastically and pushed Taehyung away to sit beside her back. The man wasn't expecting it that he tumbled down to the floor, almost knocking his head at the table.

"Patience will you? It's not like I'm stealing her!," He yelled in annoyance but Jungkook didn't care. Haewon almost laughed at their quarrel but she pitied him that is now sitting down at thr floor with a pout. Did Jungkook care? No. His eyes went back to Haewon. No, this isn't a love at a first sight. He just stared at her and she don't even realize it.

Well the other did.

"I feel like a cockblocker. It's just a couple of hours and you looked starstruck, Jungkook"

"Lovestruck you mean. Why? I shouldn't?"

"Whatever. By the way Haewon, let me show you some incredible things in this bastard house. You like baking right? So let's go to the kitchen!," before she could answered, she was dragged to the another side of the apartment leaving Jungkook alone but the man wasn't letting it to slide. He yelled at both of them before catching up with them. Haewon was dragged to everywhere he brought her and almost knocked something but Jungkook quickly stop it by pushing her body a little bit to the side.

"Careful, we don't want any injury," he whispered and she nodded but the smile didn't flattered from her lips. Jungkook's kitchen is spacious, and Taehyung was showing all those fancy utensils that Haewon couldn't afford even if she saved from ten years working. His kitchen was something only professional will have and then it hit him that he might be a chef.

"For a fancy kitchen like this, you must have guessed he cooked by himself didn't you?"

"He didn't?"

"He never did. He's lazy and all of this-"

"Was the designer idea just to add my money in his bank account," Jungkook  cut hin and saw Haewon laughed a little bit at the behind story of why his kitchen look so complete. Several Tefal pan can be seen hanging at one side but she realise the man didn't touch it at all. It looked brand new.

"So the kitchen is mine to make noodles and pasta, which is now yours because you lived here and damn I'm starving. Do you have anything edible we can eat than your dumb bells?"

Jungkook then stuffed a stack of biscuits in his mouth which the latter groaned and the kitchen was full of their laughter. Haewon didn't feel awkward anymore and soon she find herself being comfortable with them, which Chaeyoung was glad when she called her that night to update her what happened.

"He didn't do anything funny right?"

"He won't, Chaeyoung. He's nice. And he wasn't that terrifying when we first saw him today"

"Did you both sleep in the same room?"

"What? Of course not! Why would we?"

She heard the woman laughed which Haewon rolled her eyes in annoyance. She knew the contract forbid any sexual attention with or without consent as they were just there to be a comfort not a sex toy. There are difference between Love Inc. and prostitute service, and this was one of it.

"Nothing. He's a looker Haewon. You might fall hard-"

The door knocked and she adverted her attention to it. "Someone needs me, bye," she said and put her phone away before walking to the door and unlock it. Opening it, she saw Jungkook in his bathrobe which covered his naked turso and the pair of blue pyjamas pant underneath it. Chaeyoung wasn't lying. He is a looker.


"I just want to check on you. Are you comfortable enough?"

Comfortable? This is above comfortable. With her own space without sharing with other of her rent mates, a bed so big she can rolled everywhere and a whole view of the city by herself could never suit the word comfortable. This is more than that.

"I like it, thank you. Is there anything else?"

Jungkook then went into silent before he come closer and Haewon stayed still. Her orbs looked at his black iris, an emotion she couldn't described from it. Was it sorrowful with the mix of happiness? Or it's another kind of sadness in it? Haewon don't know. She don't even know the emotion shown in her own eyes.

"Can I kiss your cheeks?"

Her ears reddened and her heartbeat raised. How the hell those women and men who were trained to be a temporary partner could comply to this needs? How did they do this even without having a major crush or feelings towards their clients? Maybe the training they have was worth it. And Haewon is trainless.

"I-I don't k-know-"

"Just stay still, I'll do it. I told you right? I'll be teaching you things"

She blinked a few times before letting out a deep sigh and nodded. She can't push him, it's the part of the work. He paid for her. A kiss at the cheek isn't breaking any rules. That's what she told herself and let Jungkook led her.

It was when his soft cushion lips was pressed at her right cheek that she could feel her body is in fire. The soft impact was short and within a second he distanced himself from her. A smile lingered on his lips and his fingers brushed her cheek. "Get use to it, I'm giving it to you everyday Haewon"

Haewon realise she didn't need a training now. The man will do all the work to teach her how to be a perfect temporarily partner.

Am I supposed to be happy or afraid?

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