Chapter 3: Surprises

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Unknown P.O.V.

Daily Prophet

Last night, at the Start of Term Feast for Hogwarts, the First Years were sorted into their Houses before the meal began. There was a few surprises, such as Draco Malfoy going into Gryffindor & the youngest son of the Weasley brood being in Slytherin. But, as the Headline suggests, The Boy-Who-Lived, Harry Potter was sorted into Hufflepuff House, now many were expecting our hero to be sorted into Gryffindor like his parents before him. In fact, Harry Potter is the first Potter in over a century to be sorted outside of Gryffindor and the first Potter since the time of the Founders to be in Hufflepuff.

Harry was a Hufflepuff, not that it's disappointing, but he was always a rambunctious baby. Why couldn't I...

"Your tea Mistress Euphemia," the head elf of the manor told me while handing me the saucer and cup.

"Thank you Peetey," I accepted the proffered cup.

As I sipped my tea, I sifted through all the documents on my table, looking for anything that I may have over looked, any minute, microscopic detail that could tell me how Fleamont and I could never find our grandson. Then I saw something, Albus Dumbledore declared Harry Potter's Magical Guardian. There's no way that is possible. What more, he has tried to authorize money taken out of the main Potter accounts and has taken from Harry's Trust Vault when that failed. There will be a reckoning, but first I need to dot all my I's and cross all my T's. Even if it means unveiling the biggest secret of our House.

"Tinky!" I called.

"Yes Mistress Euphemia?" Tinky asked as she did a small curtsy.

"I have found my grandson," I started.

"Yous found Master Harry?! Oh where's Master Harry at?! Master James ordered Tinky to help take cares of Master Harry should he and Mistress Lily pass," Tinky spoke very fast.

"Yes Tinky, and you'll keep that duty, as for where, he's at Hogwarts where he's just been sorted into Hufflepuff," I told her.

"I want you to give him this letter and present, also drop this off to both Minerva McGonagall and Pomona Sprout," I said to her handing her two separate letters and a letter attached to a wrapped present.

"Yes Mistress Euphemia," Tinky said with another curtsy before grabbing everything and disappearing with a faint pop.


Harry's P.O.V.

I was getting ready for my day, Susan was already up and in my room. She's been trying to drag me out of my room for the past quarter of an hour. I had to turn around to hide my small smile, Susan is the greatest person I've ever met.

Suddenly there was a soft pop, but in the comfortable silence that Susan and I had, it might as well been a cannon blast. So I jumped as Susan let loose a short scream.

"Thankfully Tinky silenced Master's room as soon as she arrived. There's no needs to let the bads Dummydoor to knowses that Master's grannymother is alives and wants Master back homes with her," the creature that I assumed was called Tinky, if she (again assuming she's a girl as she's wearing a dress with a Coat of Arms on it) was speaking in the third Person.

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