Chapter 6: Righteous Rage at the Wizengamot Meeting

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Euphemia's P.O.V.

I couldn't help but stew in my anger and rage at what I just heard from Pomona. That sniveling git dare verbally attack and belittle my grandson! While I'll admit my Jamie was a bully, no matter what we did to set him straight, there's no reason to take that out on Harry!

Thankfully Amelia was able to get Augusta to help summon a Wizengamot Meeting for this afternoon. Dumbles won't know what hit him. It's time to make my grand come back.


Harry's P.O.V.

Today's the day, Gran says she's gonna make a grand re-entrance into the Wizarding World, properly. It's also the day that I'll have to be in court to tell them everything. Gran says it'll also be broadcasted on the Wizarding Wireless, which will also be live at Hogwarts. Thankfully, Susan is here with me...


We enter into a waiting area, Gran, Sue and I. Watching the Wizengamot Chamber fill up, I was starting to grow anxious. Sue tightened her grip on my hand to help soothe my rising nerves.

"What is this all about?!"

"Why are we here?!"

"What's going on?!"

"Who called this meeting?!"

"I have more important things that I could be doing!"

The Wizengamot Members all seem agitated today. Gran gripped my shoulder reassuringly. I gave her a nervous smile as she gave me an encouraging one right back.

"Witches and Wizards of the Wizengamot! I have uncovered not one, not two, but three travesties of justice! And the Regent Longbottom, upon hearing of it, called an emergency meeting here today," Amy began.

"While all three are truly separate, they still share a connection, that's why all three people that will be questioned today, will be taking veritaserum," she continued on in silence.

"The first case will be seeking help, I give you Harry Potter!"

"No, you can't, I won't allow it!" Dumbledore yelled.

"As the Head Auror, all I need is probable cause and the Director of the DMLE, which he has," I saw an elderly gentleman give Amy a nod as I came in and sat down.

"You need not worry Mr. Potter, as a minor, only I will be allowed to question you while you're under the effects of the potion," she told me kindly as three drops of the potion was dropped on my tongue.

"Now, to check to see if the potion is working, what is your name?"

"Hadrian James Potter," I said in a flat tone.

"Is your name not Harry James Potter?"

"I thought that too, until I recently saw a copy of my birth certificate."

"How did you receive a copy?"

"My gran gave it to me."

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