Chapter 5: First Potions Lesson

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Susan's P.O.V.

Today was our first Potions Lesson and I haven't seen Harry for the past hour. Professor Snape decided to verbally attack Harry. He insulted his fame and his father, what is his problem! Harry has never even met the git, let alone his own parents who the Potions Master seems to have known. But that does NOT excuse him to attack an eleven year old child! To make matters worse when it's a teacher attacking his student!

But Harry just ran, I could see the tears falling down his eyes. Hannah and all our other fellow Hufflepuffs were seething in anger. They snapped at Professor Snape, leading to him taking a bunch of points and giving Harry a month's worth of detention. I was gathering mine and Harry's things and walked to the door.

"Where do you think you're going Miss Bones?" Snape said snidely.

"First, I'm going to find Harry, then we're gonna go to Professor Sprout and I'm gonna send a letter to my Auntie," I spat at him before rushing out.

I could've sworn I heard a spell fired followed by a max exodus by the whole class. Snape was busy bellowing point deductions and detentions, but we paid him no mind. My first mission was to find Harry. I couldn't find him the whole period, then we had to go to lunch where I quickly wrote a note to Auntie.

Auntie was always paranoid that I'd be kidnapped or hurt, so she gave me communication journal. She had the other one, and we could write messages to each other and have immediate access to it on the other end. I told her all about that disastrous Potions lesson and what that vile Potions Master did to Harry and everyone else after the fact. Suffice to say that she was not happy would be putting it lightly.

I went to Professor Sprout and reported the incident and what I've done so far. I had to leave lunch early to follow her, but I'm glad I did. Luckily she didn't have a class coming up right then. Plus she excused me from History seeing as Professor Binns only spoke about Goblin Rebellions.

We walked all over the castle for the first hour & a half of that Double Period. But as we were passing the kitchen area I heard sniffling coming from a cupboard across from the Kitchens. Not too far from our dormitory, I just had to open the door. What I saw broke my heart and had me wishing I knew more than a handful of light curses so I could march up to that vile Potions Master and hex him good.

Harry was lying curled up in a ball, crying himself hoarse. Without even looking at Professor Sprout I laid down next to him and held him in a tight embrace, whispering soothing words to him. He started to calm down I looked up at Professor Sprout.

She looked torn between cursing the Potions Master herself and relief that Harry was found. But surprisingly Auntie was standing right next to her, though I really shouldn't be surprised. I tried to get up, but Harry, who had fallen asleep, started having fits if I so much as adjusted myself. Auntie, who was looking murderous at what I assumed caused this whole situation had her face soften as Harry started to cling to me in his sleep. So she waved her wand and levitate us from the broom cupboard all the way to Harry's room. Once we were settled into his bed, I couldn't help but draw him closer and fall asleep myself.


I woke up to Harry shifting and slowly waking up in my arms. When his eyes open to look into my eyes, we both couldn't help but smile at one another.

"Well, well, well, finally awake you two? I thought you'd at least wait until your third year before you started napping with my niece Harry," Auntie said teasingly causing us both to jump up and blush. But unfortunately, or fortunately if you asked Hannah, this caused our lips to meet because of our entagled position. And I couldn't help but melt into the accidental kiss, and I could feel Harry do the same as his arms instinctively wrapped around my waist. Then a throat clearing brought us blushing back to reality.

"While I'm glad to see you two starting to embrace your feelings for each other, I'd rather not see or know my niece is already at the snogging stage until she's at least fourteen," Auntie said with a big smirk, I could feel my face darken to match my hair and I'm sure Harry's was the same shade as well.

"But, shouldn't there be a question you ask Susan before you start snogging all willy-nilly Mr. Potter?" Auntie asked.

"AUNTIE!" I couldn't help but whine as Harry mumbled something.

"Errr, what was that Harry?" I asked uncertainly, to which he spoke up.

"Susan, you're the prettiest, most wonderful girl I've ever seen and am glad to be your friend, so would you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" He asked shyly causing Auntie's mouth to drop at his shy courage, I couldn't help but squeal a bit in excitement.

"Yes, of course I'll be your girlfriend Harry!" I squealed out as I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Well I guess congratulations are in order Mr. Potter, Miss Bones," Professor Sprout chuckled as she entered the room.

"But onto less pleasing matters, can you tell us what happened to make you run off like that Mr. Potter?" Our Head of House asked seriously.

Harry was backtracking until I held him and kissed his cheek again. This caused him to collect himself and stumble through what happened.

The effect was instanteous, Auntie and Professor Sprout were willing to go on a rampage through the castle as Professor Sprout reversed the point deductions and the detentions and Auntie looked at her thoughtfully.

"I'm gonna supply a Potions tutor from the ranks of our Auror Potions Experts to be your teacher, and you can invite Neville Longbottom, I heard he ran out of his class as well. And while I'm at it, we have an Auror who's a History Buff, I'm sure I can get her to be a tutor in place of Binns for you guys.

"Thank you Auntie!" I cried as Harry got a hopeful look on his face. I could tell that Snape really did some damage to him with his words. But looks like this knowledge and me agreeing to be his girlfriend helped bring him from the edge in a way.

A/N: I'm not trying to rush any relationship along. I just felt after something like this, they'd end up as those childhood sweethearts. The ones that start 'dating' before they even know what it means to go on a date. The type where they know that they love each other more than anyone else type. So, besides this emotionally brought snogging here, most kissing will be kisses on the cheek, and very few pecks on the lips at this point. As far as Susan seeming to help Harry and be kind of a shield, that's not how it's gonna stay. Yes, she's gonna be able to always calm and comfort him, but she's gonna help him stand up for himself. Though, it's not gonna be an overnight thing and furthermore, he's gonna have relapses every so often, but the further along in age he gets, the fewer and less frequent they'll become.

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