Strange is an Understatement

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Warning: This story has some swearing and also uses the word "rapist". There is no other mention of rape but I'm just covering my bases. Also a dog death, I'm sorry.

[A.N.]: Since I originally wrote this as like NOT a fanfiction I'm gonna make it so y/n either has no idea who Hawks is or pro heroes don't exist? I guess it's up to you guys, but I'm still gonna make bird puns.


A small grunt escaped my lips as I fell onto the wet sidewalk. I lightly rubbed my ass to try and get rid of the pain from the hard fall. My sparkly gold stilettos shined in the light of a street lamp standing tall next to me and I could tell I had broken the heel on my left one.

"Shit" I mumbled.

I reached down to unbuckle the tiny clasp around my ankles, swiftly pulling off my shoe and proceeded to do the same with its partner. I tucked both shoes into the crook of my arm and winced as my feet came into contact with the cold pavement.

I sighed, "Well at least no one saw that".

I pulled down my dress and adjusted the strap of my bag on my shoulder. I heard a sound come from behind me and my breathe caught in my throat. A low chuckle sounded followed by a man's voice.

"Sorry to inform you Miss, but someone did witness you fall on that sparkly gold tush of yours".

I whipped around, my fallen curls momentarily obscuring my vision. A man a good head and shoulders taller than me was peering at me with a bemused twinkle in his eye. He was sporting a leather jacket that looked almost as wet as the pavement around us.

"How long has he been standing there?" I thought.

I nervously cleared my throat as I ran my eyes over his form. I heard the man let out a another laugh.

"Look girly, I know I may look nice but trust me you don't want any of this" he gestured to his lean form.

I blushed in embarrassment and crossed my arms, "I'll have you know, I am no drunken whore looking for a good time with any guy on the street".

"Ah yes", he said, "No drunken whore would ever leave home in a dress that short".

I narrowed my eyes and tugged at the hem of my dress again.

"No offense sweetheart, but if you're not looking for any fun times, what the hell are you doing on a dark street all by yourself?"

"And why would I tell you?"

He raised his hands in front of him, "Hey if you don't want to tell me then don't. Just wouldn't want a cute girl like yourself getting into any trouble".

I blushed again, "Look," I sighed, "I just want to go home, but I have no ride and my phone's dead".

"Oh really?" the man grinned, "You probably shouldn't have told me that."

My eyes widened and I felt a surge of panic. Then he started laughing again.

"Relax, I'm joking. I'm not a rapist or kidnapper or whatever". He extended his hand towards me, "My name is Hawks, you can call me your lovebird if you want" he gave me a quick wink.

I gazed warily at him, but slowly took a hold of his outstretched hand. After a hesitant shake I said, "Y/n."

He nodded, "I was expecting Brittany or maybe Lizzy, but that works too. Now let's see what nickname could I give you?" [A.n]: No hate to Brittany's or Lizzy's, I know both. If that's your name just change it to some bitch you hate lol.

Strange is an Understatement : Hawks x Reader (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now