Chapter Nine | Closure

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The room was completely silent, not a peep in sight. No one moved or even made their breathing audible, the only thing was budged was the man's body swaying back and forth in the cold night air. 

Finally some guy spoke up, "Tom Holland has a wife?"

Tom shrugged, "Yeah I guess."

"Meet Y/n." Harrison properly introduced me.

This caused an uproar at the bar. Women complaining and men arguing. 

"He can't be married! They'll target her and everyone else in his life."

"But fuckboy's don't settle down."

"She kinda hot though-,"

"She will never be fit enough to be his wife."

The last comment made me whip my head around and look at the dead bitch. In the group of hooker's, they all looked at me with scared, glass eyes. Most of the girls moved aside until there was a girl in the middle.

She had curly, red hair, blue eyes, button nose, false lashes and large hoop earrings. She looked intimidated but her ego was still there as she held her chin up like she was above everyone. She was the one making out with Tom just before. 

I smirked, "I'll never be fit enough to be Holland's wife?" The bar went silent and they started listening in my confrontation, "Hmm? Say it again."

The girl looked at Tom with desperate eyes, but he gave her cold ones. She faced me, "I-i, uhh, Mrs. Holland, I didn't m-mean anything by it, I s-swear."

I walked up to her and raised my brow, "So it was you who said it?"

Her lip trembled, "Yes ma'am."

I admired her hooped earring, "Tell me your name."

She gulped, "Everly."

I smiled, "Well Everly, you see that man?" I asked and pointed at the man I hung.

She nodded, "Yes."

"That's what happens to people who mess with me, and you took a dig at me. Didn't you?"

"I swear I didn't mean anything by it, you have to believe me." She looked at Tom again, "Tom please, tell her I mean nothing by that."

Tom stood there with his arms crossed and a cold expression on his face, "I don't give a shit what happens to you."

I smiled, "Excellent, finally, something my husband and I can agree on." I smirked and reached forward, moving her hair to the side, "What beautiful earrings." I complimented her.

She smiled nervously, "Thank you ma-," I cut her off by yanking her earring, making it rip her earlobe.

She screamed in agony as I threw her earring down on the floor. I laughed maniacally, "Music to my ears." I kicked her stomach, making her crash down on the floor. 

"You are insane!" She screamed, mascara tears streaming down her face.

I pouted, "Thank you Everlyn." I said, getting her name wrong on purpose.

"You're a bitch!" 

I gritted my teeth and gave her a hearty slap across her face, "You have no idea."

I turned away from her and looked at the rest of the women. I pointed at Everly without looking at her, "You see her? You see how she's paying? That will happen to you if I hear you talk shit." I get my gun out of my holster and cock it, "I'm not one to play nice."

The women gasped as I took my gun out. A man spoke up, "I thought we weren't meant to carry weapons here."

"You're not." Tom said bluntly but still nodded at me to proceed what I was doing.

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