Chapter 1

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-Hola ,the most beautiful sister in the world! - Leo shouted.

-Hey, the worst lier in the planet!- I joked.


-Hehehehe. - I laughted.

-So ,anyway, where are you?

-I'm in airport , waiting for my fly. Why are you calling for me again? We talked in the morning and I think you said everything... - I rolled my eyes.

-Nah, I didn't say everything. I forgot to say that tomorow I will have a match and I need you to support me.

-Leo.. - I sighed. - After the fly I will be very tired.. I don't think I will make it.

-Andrea, c'mon! - he shouted again.


-Uh, okay. I think I have to say what we gonna play against... that's Real Madrid.

What? Oh my God, I love Real! Ronaldo! Yes yes yes yes yes!

-I think now you know the answer.- I laughted. Leo really hates the fact, that I like Real more than Barca, but... Life is life.

-I hate you.- he mumbled. - Soo, the match starts at 6 p.m, be at Camp Nou at 5, okay? Everybody miss you.

-I love you too. Okay, now I have to go. - I said then I heard that now I can to go to the plane. - Byee.

-See ya. - he said and after that I hang off.



I was waiting for my car near the airport exit. And ofcours, there were some journalist and some fans. Then I waited, I talked and took some photos with them.

-Oh, bye, girls!- I said then I saw my car.

I jumped into my car and saw my driver.

-Hola, Roll. - I said.

-Hey, Ms. Messi. Hotel now? - he asked.

-Yeah, please.

When we were driving, I was looking through the window. Everything here was as same as the last time when I been here, but I enjoied it. I really love Barcelona, this is really beautiful place.

When we arrived, near the hotel door I saw a lot of fans. Oh, why they are here? And when I saw him.

Oh my god.


Heyy, first chapter, hope you will like it. ♥♥♥

Best friend's sister - love | Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now