Chapter 40

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It hurted so much that I even couldn't breathe. We have made so much together, it looked like our love is the strongest in the world.. but now i think he never loved me as much as I loved him. He left his loving family and went on a date with that interview girl.

Most hurts knowing that he was always lying. He never was hisself with me, with his kids. He was always lying.

I was an idiot because I was too blind and didn't see it. He never loved me.. this was just my imagination. 

But how could he lie for so long? We survived so much.. and it was just a joke for him.

I couldn't stop crying. Rafaella was trying to comfort me, but she didn't help. Neymar was everything i could think. I love him so much... why, Neymar? Why you had to destroy everything?

-Meybe it's not as it look like..- Rafa whispered while stroking my back.

-No.. It is. It can't be anything else. He chosen that woman, not his family. He left us... - suddenly I started to scream as loud as I could, because I couldn't stand it anymore.

It hurted so much that it even seemed like I will die.


I am so stupid.. why I went to eat with that girl? When i was thinking that it will be funny, I just suddenly forgot my family, I came back to the old days when I was..going from one bed to another.

No no no! I didn't wanted to sleep with that girl.. I just wanted to have nice evening.

What the fuck am I talking about? I am such a jerk.. I lost her again.

I was reading a message she left again and again when suddenly hause doors opened and at one second I was thinking it was Andrea, but it wasn't she. It was Leo.

-I will fucking kill you! - he shouted and pulled me.

-Leo..-I sighed and after this I felt his punshes again.

He was very angry an I understood him. I even didn't try to avoid his hits, i let him to do this. This is what i deserve..

-I can't even look at you! - he muttered.

-I'm sorry..- after I said it looking at the ground he left.

I fell on the floor and felt tears streaming down my face.

I love my family so much... i'm nothing without them.  


I didn't sleep all night. I wanted to go to Andrea, but i knew she wont listen to me. So i just looked to my wall all night.

It was a time to get up and get ready for my training.

But i didn't want to get up, all i wanted to do was lie and cry. Why I am so bad...

But I finally got up and got ready for the training. I went outside my hause and saw a lot of journalist. Fuck them.

After a few minutes later I got into my car and started to drive.

I was so angry I did all this shit.. were i drunk? C'mon, why?

I shook my head and stopped near the stadium. I went inside and fastly run to the field, because I was late. When I came everybody looked to my with condemn in their eyes. I tryied to stay calm.

And this is how my training went, no one even talked with me. And I trully understand them, I am idiot.

-Ney? - someone said near me.

I turned around and saw Dani.

-What happend?- he whispered.

-I..i don't know. - I murmured and started to cry again.

After this I felt how Dani hugged me.

-Everything will be okay... you love her and she loves you. We will fix it somehow. I promise.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2016 ⏰

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