Chapter 9

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-What are you two doing here?! - Leo snapped and pulled me away from Neymar.

-Leo, calm down... - I said.

-How can I fucking calm down, then my sister is kissing li.. Neymar! - he shouted again.

-What is wrong with Neynar?! - I asked angrily.

-He has a fucking girlfriend! - he shouted and I my heart dropped.

He has a girlfriend?

-Is that true? - I looked to the Neymar and saw his mimic. That was enough to me. I understood that Leo is right.

-I'm sorry Dre... - he whispered.

-Don't call my like that! - I shouted angrily. - I can't believe you did it! I was started to like you, but now... I understand what you are liar. Fucking liar.

-Andrea, I was about to broke up with her...

-But you haven't done that. Thats the point. - I looked to my room. - And I don't want to see you again. Please, don't talk to me never again.

I said and left them both. I entered my room and started to cry.

I was not just started to like him. I was started to fall in love with him. But it ended as fast as everything started.


I woke up at 09:45. I couldn't sleep all night because I was thinking about Neymar and what should I do now.

My mind was interruped by my phone ring. I picked it and saw Angela, my manager.

(Me - M , Angela - A)

M : Yeah?

A: There are you? You were supposed to be here at 9 a.m!

M : Oh, fuck! I'm comming!

I ended the call and ran to the bathroom. I had a shower, dressed and left my room.

I can't believe I forgot that photoshoot... That is very important photoshoot, because after that I have to get an answer from Victoria's Secret company. I'm idiot!

While I was in elevator I called my driver and said that I have to be somethere. And fast.

I don't know how, but then I walked out of hotel, I saw his car. Meybe he is always waiting for me outside?

But now I don't care, I just think how to go faster to the photoshoot's place and... Neymar. Because he can't leave my mind from yesterday. You know what, that really sucks...

After some minutes driving we reached the photoshoot place. I thanked Roll and jumped out of car. There was a lot photographers, but I just ran so they didn't catch me.

-Finally! - Angela sighed then I walked in.

-Sorry, sorry... - I rolled my eyes and went to the room, there was my clotches. I dressed and saw two girs who have to make a make up.

-Hey, - one of them smiled to me.

-Hi, - I smiled her back.

-I'm very big fan of you... Can we take a photo? - she asked.

-Yeah, ofcours, but meybe then you gonna make a make up? Then I will be prettier. - I laughed, them too.

-Yeah, alright. By the way, I'm Carolina and this is Kate.

-Nice to meet you ,girls.

-Me too.

Then they did my make up and I walked to the Angela again.

-You have to do it fast, because you are late. - she said and I nodded.

And then I started my job.


-So? - I asked Angela's then she walked out of the room there she was talking with some womans from Victori's secret.

-They want to talk with you.

I nodded and walked in. I sat down.

-Andrea Andrēs Messi, we want to say to you good news. You are very nice, beautiful so we want you in our team. - one of them said and I smiled.

-Oh, I'm so happy! - I happilly said.

-Very good. So we gonna call you tomorrow, be ready to work very hard.

Then we said goodbye to each other and I went back to the Angela.


I was lying on my bed with my phone. I took a photo and posted it in Instagram.

"Victoria's Secret, hi:))"

Then I was just chillin, but then I saw new Neymar photo. There he was.. sad? I rode that was writed with it and... Oh my god!

"Sorry, I don't want lo lose you."

Meybe this is about me? What if he really wanted to divorse with his girlfriend? What if he... really don't want to lose me?

Ohh, I don't know. I know him just for two or three days, but... I want to know more about him. I want to be with him, because our date yesterday was... perfect.

Then, suddenly, I decided to replie him. I taked one more selfie with sad face and posted it.

"So don't."


Short,like always... But.. Heh:D

Anyway, thanks for 300 readers! Love you guys sooo much! You make my day!

All the love


Best friend's sister - love | Neymar JrWhere stories live. Discover now