First day!

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"Take care sweetheart. Have a nice first day!" Mom hugged me. "Sure mom. Thank you." I hugged her back. "Come on sweetie, we gotta pick Ari up too!" Dad reminded me. My house was really far from the college. "Bye mom! Bye Kayla!" I waved to them. I was nervous. It was not only my first day at school but also at work. 

"Are you excited D???" Ari squeaked as she took her seat. "Yes. I'm pretty nervous too." "You'll do well sweetie, don't worry." Dad assured me. ''Yes D, you will do well. Calm down." Ari assured me too. "Talking about worrying,  D what will you do about the distance? I mean you live pretty far.." I looked at Ari "I really don't know Ari, I can do the travelling I guess." I shrugged it off. 

After a while, we reached the school and it was HUGE! "Girls, have a good day!" Dad said as he drove away. "This school is huge." Ari sounded excited. "Tell me about it!" I exclaimed. We walked in and there weren't many people around. We had to visit the principal's office first to collect our files but we seemed to have lost our way. "Ari, let's ask someone!" I whined as we roamed the hallways. "No. We can surely find the way to our principal's office D." She huffed. 

I saw this tall guy standing against his locker. He had dark brown hair which seemed to match the colour of his eyes. He stood near his locker in an over sized red hoodie and white sneakers. I walked up to him "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt but we seem to have lost our way to the principal's office. Do you know the way?" I asked politely. He looked up at me and I could see his beautiful brown eyes. "Yeah, sure come on." He just walked ahead of us. Me and Ari silently followed him. We then stood in front of this brown door that said 'Principal's office'. 

"Thank you so much-" "Tom. You can call me Tom." He spoke making me smile. "I'm Darcy. Darcy Maxwell." I introduced myself too. "I'm Ari!" she jumped in. Ari was a joyful person. She would never leave the opportunity to make friends. "Nice to meet both of you. I'll maybe see you in class? Bye" he waved. "Have a nice day Tom!" I waved back to him. 

Ari knocked on the door and we heard a voice say "Come in" . We walked in to see this really well organised office . It was mostly filled with black and white walls . "Good morning, Ms. Maxwell and Ms. Clark. I'm Mr. Duvall. Here are your schedules. Have a nice day." he told all of that in one breath! We stood there going through our schedules when Mr. Duvall's voice interrupted us again. "Are you going to stay here the whole day?" He asked. Me and Ari nodded in a 'no'. "Then chop chop, off to your classes." he ordered before getting back to his work.

We walked out of the office and let a huge sigh. "I'm already tired." Ari whined. "Stop complaining! Now, how many classes do we have together?" I asked peeking into her schedule. "We have drama, history and singing!" I said. I was really scared to talk to people so it would be easier if I had Ari with me. 

Okay, now we were in front of the door. We slightly opened the door and walked in to see half the class was already there. Some people here seemed to know each other already. My eyes landed on Tom again. He sat there in the corner of the classroom with a bunch of girls surrounding him. "Hello? Darcy?" Ari waved her hand in front of me snapping me out of my thoughts. "Um yea, let's take our seats." I pushed her forward to a seat. "What exactly is orientation for?" Ari asked me doodling in her notebook. "Well, you see some of us are completely new to this so I think it's just going to be a few rules and instructions. Nothing else." 

"I can't really wait for this to get over. I want to go for our SYCO interview now!" Ari whined again. "Ari, be patient." I reminded her. You see, Ari was a very short tempered person and if she lost her temper, god save the other person. Just then Mr. Duvall walked in. "Good morning students! You all have been given your schedules for the classes, starting tomorrow." 

*after an hour*

The whole orientation seemed to have bored most of the people sitting there. I noted down most of the things Mr. Duvall said just to make sure things work smoothly. We had to leave now else we'd be late for work. "Let's go" I grabbed Ari before she started talking to anyone. The thing is, if she started talking, she wouldn't stop. 

We were here on time! The taxi driver was too chatty but hey! I guess we found someone who was going to drop us off to work after school! I was organizing my papers as we walked in when I bumped into someone and fell on the floor. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" I apologised as I got up. "Oh my god! It's Louis Tomlinson!" Ari squeaked in a whisper. I shot her the 'stop being weird and help me out' look. She immediately walked to me and helped me get up while Mr. Louis was picking up my papers. "I'm so sorry Mr. Tomlinson!" I apologised to him. "Eh, it's okay luv. Have a nice day." He smiled at me and walked away. "We just met Louis Tomlinson! OH MY GOD!" Ari was high on adrenaline or something. "Ari, do you want to continue seeing him? Then let's go before we get fired!" I dragged her to the elevator. 

We were outside in the waiting area waiting for our turn to go in. We heard some shouting and stuff  , Okay it was none of our business. We were here to do our job and it's better if we stuck to it. After what seemed to be 20 minutes, the door opened and this man who was taller that Mr. Tomlinson walked out. He had emerald green eyes , brown hair in a quiff. "Mr. Styles, good morning!" Ari shouted, getting his attention. He looked angry but when he looked at Ari, a small smile broke on his face. "Morning! Have a nice day!" He smiled at me. "Morning young lady." He smiled. "Oh-um-morning sir!" I wished him back. "Having a bad day I assume?" he asked looking straight at me. I was a nervous mess! "Pfft no no sir. Just a little nervous." He smiled at my 'pfft' . It was habitual. "I'm sure you will rock whatever's about to come your way. Have a nice day the both of you." he smiled and walked away. "That's 2/5! OMG!" what was she talking about? 

We walked in to find a man somewhere in his 50's ? He had grey hair and he sat there with a rather tough posture, scanning some papers. "Morning sir." I wished him. He looked up at both us with a smile. "Ah, morning. Please have a seat." he motioned towards the two chairs in front of him. There were already two tea cups indicating someone was already here. "The both of you seemed to have gotten into your school with a scholarship." he looked up at us and we nodded. 

"Good grades throughout. Nothing bad in your record Ms. Maxwell." he looked at me and my file. "Ms. Clark, you seemed to have shown a lot of times that you have a short temper." Ari's eyes widened. She looked up at him. "Nothing to worry about. Now, I know you both are known for your talent and hardwork. I would like it if you continued to do the same. You will have to bring me my coffee Ms. Maxwell. Ms. Clark, you will be handling my vice's work. I mean the vice-president of Syco, Mrs. Anderson." he looked at us to make sure we were listening. "Yes sir" we both spoke in unison. "Good, now Mrs. Anderson will explain your work to you Ms. Clarke. You can leave. Thank you. " He said handing over Ari's file to her. 

"Now Ms. Maxwell, you will be bringing me my coffee two times a day considering the fact that you won't be here working in the mornings. The weekend, it will be three times. I will be handing over all my files and contracts to you. You will be organising my meetings, not to forget it will be your job to schedule it. You will be accompanying me to every event I go to. You will be given a manual. Please do go through it. Am I clear?" he asked in a cold, stern tone. I nodded a yes. "Speak up Ms. Maxwell!" He said a bit loud making me flinch slightly. "Yes sir." I answered in a firm tone. "Good, let's show you around." 

"And here comes your place, Ms. Maxwell. I hope everything is clear to you. Now could you please tell me when will you be reporting and your schedule?" he asked. "I will be reporting here at 3 in the afternoon with a cup of your coffee. Then I will be organising the files for the day. If we have any meetings, I will have to arrange the required items. Then it will be continuing my morning work and getting you a cup of coffee again around 6 in the evening. After that, I will have to speak to the manager who handles the activities of the celebrities and if I have some time, it will be taking a look into social media to see what people think of our company and prepare reports as you have guided me to." A smile grew on his face. "That's perfect Ms. Maxwell. You can leave now. Thank you. " he said. "Thank you sir. It is my honour to be working here." I replied smiling back. Wait, I still didn't know his name? "It is our pleasure to have someone as talented as you here. Thank you." he said motioning me to leave. As I opened the door, he introduced himself. "I'm Simon by the way." 

A/N : New chapter! I know it's kinda boring now but I promise, it gets better! Thank you for reading! Have a nice day! 

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