Chapter 1

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Dean let out a sigh as he walked through the, rather crowded, park. It was a sunny day, how could it not be after all? It was the middle of August and the sun was at its highest point. Twelve in the morning, and Dean could swear he had never sweated so much in his life before. He could not do otherwise, though.

He had to take the dogs for a walk, even if he didn't want to. No, of course they weren't his dogs. There was no chance he would let a dog inside his house, not to mention his desk-room. This summer though he had to put up with a dogs in his house,his brother's dogs. He would have said no to Sam when he asked of him to take care of them while he would be away; visiting their uncle Bobby that lived far away. And then he would go from there to Kansas to see their parents.

Dean would have accompanied him if it wasn't firstly; for the exhaustion he felt because of school. Being a teacher and having to deal with so many Alphas, Betas and Omegas at the same time every day, every year, had really taken a toll on him. He wasn't going to regret his choice, though, because no matter what he loved his job. Although it seemed impossible for anyone to see it, Dean was a licensed psychologist, teaching sociology and modern psychology at the town's local high school. Although Mystic Falls was a small town, not many people lived here, and although some things were out of date, there surely were some serious improvements. 

And secondly; Lisa. There were moments that he seriously doubted who was the Alpha in their relationship. Of course Dean was not like most other Alphas, strict, possessive and always the leader in a relationship; always wanting to have his way. No, there was no way he was going to be like that. He wanted his mate to express her opinion too, have her way too. Although in Lisa's case it wasn't exactly a mate. She was a Beta and not an Omega, Dean had still not found his Omega. He was 30 years old so instead of just waiting to find her (or maybe him, nobody could know for sure) he decided to form a mateship with Lisa. She really was a nice woman, and he was happy to have met her.

It really was her that insisted on taking care of Sam's dogs. She insisted so much that there was no room left for Dean to say no. As long as she was the one to keep them away from his desk-room.

So here he was, taking Sam's dogs for a walk. Or more like a run. He was seriously having a hard time from holding them from running off. That, along with the sun burning hot above his head and the fact that he had worn a jacket over his hood did not really help in preventing him from sweating. He seriously felt like a crazy man for wearing all these pieces of clothing, especially today, but Lisa had insisted that he wore some extra clothing in case the weather got worse and it rained. Of course there were not many chances that it would rain during the middle of August, especially after so many days of good and sunny weather, especially in Mystic Falls but (once again) he could not say no to Lisa.

He cursed under his breath as he held tightly on the dogs' leashes, trying to (once again) keep them from running. Of course Sam had gotten used to taking them out for a run and not just a walk, but Dean was not that type of person. At least not today, for sure. He let out another sigh, these time one of a relief. Finally they seemed as if they were going to put up with just a walk, and Dean could not be more thankful about that.

He let a small smile rest on his face as he looked around him. Everything looked so peaceful, certainly not silent, though. Children were running all around, playing with each other, some with their dogs and some other with the water from the fountain that was nearby. All of them enjoying the warmth of the sun and the beautiful summer day. Their parents sitting at some bench or down on the green, newly cut, grass. There was a smell of the freshly cut grass in the air, accompanied by the one of water mixed with sweat from the children that run all around him.

He put a hand over his eyes, shielding them from the sun that was shining brightly over his head, taking a look at the green trees around him.  He closed his eyes for a split second, breathing in the fresh air; having stopped for the dogs to drink some water from the fountain. 

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