Chapter 12

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Your heart had taken over your mind too and you could no longer think of anything.

Anything but his sweet lips that got closer to yours. And before you could realize it they were on yours, or more like your on his since it was you that initiated the kiss. In the beginning it was hesitant and slow but it soon turned into passionate.

A kiss with Dean Winchester.

You closed your eyes and found yourself lost in the kiss. It was just like you had dreamed of it and even better. Fact that made you realize that it was actually happening.

Your hands slowly made their way around his neck and his slid from your arms, up to your exposed neck, creating goosebumps, and then rested on your cheeks; cupping your face and bringing you as close as possible to him. His lips felt rough and yet soft at the same time, just like the kiss you shared. Your lungs protested for air but you did not have the mind to think about anything else but his lips on yours. So you kept kissing him. Kissing the man that you had grown to love more than anything. The man that... was your teacher and would lose his job if something happened between you.

Realization hit you like a ton of bricks.

You put your hands on his chest and slowly you both pulled away. Eyes remaining closed for a few seconds till you opened them and they locked with green shining ones. A smile, almost one of disbelief, was forming on his lips. A small smile was about to appear on your face too, when you realized what you had actually done, though, a shocked expression was written all over your face.

"Oh my God" you breathed out, putting a hand over your mouth. A small frown appeared on Dean's face.

"What-" he was about to ask but was cut off by you speaking.

"I'm so terribly sorry, I- I don't know what got over me" you said with wide eyes, heat rising in your cheeks, tears almost welling up in your eyes.

Dean looked at you with an almost stunned expression, breathing out an almost inaudible "No" as you took a few steps back, away from him.

"I'm so sorry" you mumbled one last time and quickly turned to run away from him.


"No!" Dean shouted, his loud voice echoing through the night. He quickly grabbed you by your arm and prevented you from going anywhere.

You turned and looked at him with a stunned expression.

"Please don't" he whispered, putting a hand on your cheek.

You stared at him with wide eyes as he leaned in to kiss you again "What are you doing?" you managed to ask in a whisper-y voice.

"Keeping you here" he said and brought his arms around you; yours immediately went on his chest.

"What-" you breathed out "No, Dean, no no. This is not right and you know it" you tried to push him away but his grip only got tighter.

"Then why does it feel right hm? Because I know that you feel that too. It wasn't just a kiss (Y/n), and we both know it." he said in a determined voice.

"But we can't" you said with pleading eyes "You-you will lose your job if anyone finds out. You will lose everything you have fought so hard for"

"You are above that (Y/n). You are above everything. You're more important to me than anything else. Not having you is far worse than losing my job. Damn" he gritted his teeth "Please, try to understand how important you are to me (Y/n). Nothing else matters to me as much as you do.  This days have been a hell for me, seeing you so distant tore me on the inside. Damn it (Y/n) I-I 'm in love with you and I don't-" Dean started speaking again but you cut him off with a kiss.

It was urgent and hectic but full of passion and love. You didn't need to hear more from Dean. Those last words were enough for your heart to take control of your whole body and not leave any space for your mind to think what was right and what was wrong.

You pulled away from the, rather sloppy, kiss and looked at him, cheeks flushed and lips kiss-swollen. Your bit your lip as you looked at him with the same adoration.

"I don't care that I am your teacher. I don't care of what others will think. I don't care even if I lose my job and am not allowed to be a teacher anymore. Hell, I don't care even if I go in jail. As long as I have you, baby, and I know that you feel the same, even in the slightest bit, then... I will be the happiest man alive" he whispered, resting his forehead against yours and closing his eyes.

"I love you too, Dean" you said in a low voice.

His eyes snapped open and he looked at you with a stunned expression. A huge grin suddenly appeared on his face and you found yourself smiling at him too. He gave small laugh, relief that you said it back was evident all over his face. Relief and... happiness. Dean Winchester was happy. And just the sight of it made your heart swell.

Before you could say anything, though, he closed the distance between you and crashed his lips to yours. The kiss this time was more heated than any other and it made you feel a weird tingling sensation in your stomach or maybe a little lower. You were no fool, though, and you knew what you wanted exactly. Him.

"What-" he breathed out, almost whining at your stopping the kiss, but before he could say more you took hold of his hand and spoke up.

"Come on" you said and guided him towards your house.

You unlocked the door and walked inside the house, quickly closing it behind you "We would surely catch a cold if we stayed any longer outside" you said and he nodded, taking off his jacket as you did he same.

"Beautiful house" he commented, trying to break the silence that had suddenly surrounded you.

"Thanks" you smiled at him.

Silence followed again but it was no way awkward or uncomfortable. Both of you looked at each other in the eyes, soft smiles on your faces and relaxed expressions evident. Dean's eyes gazed down at your lips for a second but then he looked back up. You saw him bite his lip and you smiled at the blush that rose in his cheeks once you noticed him starring.

"Sorry" he mumbled and you chuckled.

"No need to apologize" you muttered and before he could say anything you cupped his cheek and pressed your lips to his.

It was hesitant in the beginning but it soon turned into heated and urgent. His hands cupped your face, kissing you feaverly. You kept kissing him back but after a while your lung protested for air so you both pulled away.

You looked into Dean's eyes to see that his pupils were dilated and he had an almost predatory look on his face. It made you shiver, looking at the hungry look in his eyes, and seeing his true Alpha look.

"Would you- would you like to maybe- maybe go to your room" he suddenly became bashful and you could not stop from smiling or a giggle escape your lips.

"Come on. It's upstairs" you said with a small smile and taking hold of his hand you made your way upstairs. Normally you would not have been so forward with a guy, you never were, but this was Dean. Completely different from any guy you've met. He made you feel things that no other guy had ever made you feel. Above all, love. Love for him. True love.

No longer had you reached your room than when you closed the door you felt yourself being pressed to it by Dean. His lips attached to yours, kissing you with hunger, lust and at the same time love. It was true love, you could feel it. There was no doubt it left anymore. None.

Your eyes fluttered shut. Your mind went completely blank as you thought about nothing else but his lips on yours. Kissing you. He licked your lower lip as if asking for entrance and you could not find yourself to deny him. You could never deny him anything.

You opened your lips slightly and gave Dean the opportunity to enter his tongue into your mouth. It tasted just like you had thought it would. Like whiskey mixed with what tasted like apple-pie. There was another sort of flavor there but it vanished as the taste of the apple-pie he had gladly devoured about an hour ago was more obvious. His tongue explored your mouth and you gave a pleased moan. You tongue started fighting with his for dominance but your Omega (naturally submissive in front of an Alpha) nature along with the fact that it was Dean who was kissing you prevented you from even-so thinking that you were going to win this battle. So of course the one that won the battle was Dean, but that didn't mean that you were not pleased even in the least bit.

Dean smirked as he heard you groan, mostly in pleasure. He removed his lips from yours and made his way with kisses to your neck, below your jaw, quickly finding your soft spot and smirking as he earned a moan from you.

"Dean" you said between quick, small and hectic breaths.

"Yes, baby" he mumbled between kisses and licks.

You found no words to respond, but only groaned gripping tightly at the back of his shirt. Dean's hands were on your waist, gripping tightly and trying to bring you closer to him; if possible. He returned to kissing your lips again, biting and licking.

"Dean" you moaned his name and he took the advantage to shove his tongue, both his and yours once again fighting for dominance. And he would have won again if it wasn't for your both pulling away. You to take air and him to remove his white button-up shirt. He ripped his shirt open, buttons flying here and there, and you giggled at his eagerness. He took it off completely and you found yourself biting your lip. You took a good few minutes to admire his well-built body, running your hand up from his chest down to his abdomen till the waistband of his pants. You tried to take in every little detail you could. You took in a few deep breaths when you realized that all this time you had been actually holding your breath.

He took in a sharp breath when your hand went a little lower and he grabbed you by your waist, pushing you hard to the door behind you.

This made you immediately look up at him and within seconds he was back at kissing you just as roughly as before.

And just the moment you started feeling  your knees give away he grabbed them and brought them up around his waist, your back still pressed to the door and him kissing you like there was no tomorrow, one of your hands at the back of his neck the other gripping  at his shoulder. You were sure there was going to be a good bruise there tomorrow morning.

You felt him tuck at your own shirt and without even thinking you let him remove it. Pulling away from the kiss just slightly. You crossed your hands in front of you, a blush crept on your cheeks, although you were wearing a bra. You closed your eyes and avoided looking at him. Turning your head to the side and biting your lip, cheeks burning hot.

Dean, though, put a hand on your chin and softly turned your head, making you look at him. 

"Oh my beautiful Omega" he whispered with awe, mostly to himself "How can you not realize just how beautiful you are. What effect you have on me right now, baby" he said in a low voice. There was no light in the room save for the now that the moon provided. It shone through the curtains but still was not enough to illuminate the room. Despite all of it, though, you could see his eyes shining brightly. You had never seen them these green. You had never seen all these kind of emotions in them before.

All of them merged into one, though. The most prominent and strong of all. Love.

You felt a smile tug at your lips as you saw the way he looked at you.

"Come" he whispered, taking hold of your hand and guiding at your own bed. He immediately fell on it, laying there for a while and looking at you with a smile.

You slowly got on top of him, unsure of what to do, but not really wanting to think of it. You just let yourself move along with him.

You stared down at him for a little while but the let out a soft sigh and smiled down at him. You bent down and started kissing from his abdomen, up to his abs and his stomach. Dean groan loudly and gripped the sheets tightly into his fists. He arched his hips up and closer to you and you smirked slightly. You kissed and licked your way up to his chest, feeling his heart hammer against your lips and you smiled knowing that it was not only you that felt that way. Not that there was any doubt left anyway. 

You kissed the tattoo on his chest and after a small trail of kisses and some occasional licking, you went from his neck, to jawline to chick and then pressed your lips to his. Lips moving in sink, as he brought his arms around your back. Shivers run down your spine as his skin touched yours. He held you more tightly, not missing a beat to change the game in his favor and be on top of you. You now laid down on your bed with him on top of you, his Alpha dominance at full mode. He looked down at you for a split second and then dived in to kiss you again. He trailed kisses down your neck quickly getting to your soft spot and kissing there. He licked and sucked and you closed your eyes, bringing your arms around him; feeling his muscles flex.

"Alpha" you moaned instead of his name and you heard him growl in pleasure, pressing his hard on on your thigh. You bit your lip, and groaned loudly as he bit slightly down on your neck; you moved your head to give him more access.

"Gonna make that Alpha kid know who you belong to" you heard him growl, knowing fully well that he was talking about Kai. All the glares he had sent him the previous days had not gone unnoticed.

"Mine" he growled once again and you didn't miss a beat to respond.

"Yours" you whispered, a smile formed on your lips.

You felt his lips smirk as he kissed you. Your eyes were closed but the fluttered open when he felt him bite harder than before. 

"Dean!" you exclaimed taking in a sharp breath.

"Alpha please" you whined as moved from your soft spot, down your neck, to your chest and down your belly with kisses.

He kept kissing your stomach, licking and occasionally biting.  You whimpered as he bit your as he bit at your hipbone.

He once again made his way up to your lips with kisses. He kissed you hungrily and you felt one of his hands unclasp your bra while the other one worked on getting you out of your jeans. Your mind was in a haze, as if you were actually high but you were starting to think that you actually were. 

Dean was actually stronger than any other drug somebody could offer you. But oh you enjoyed it. How could you not? How could you not feel this way when it came to him? When it came to his sparking green eyes that you found yourself lost in. To the thousand freckles that dusted over his nose and cheeks and seemed like actual stars in the light of the moon. To his soft hair that you couldn't stop running your fingers through, every chance you got. And then there was his strong jaw, the slight scruff that made him all the more hot was always there. Then came his lips. 

Oh damn, his lips.
His lips that you were just kissing, biting and licking. His breath mixed with yours as you tried to breath in some air, not wanting to pull away for even a split second. His soft lips that caused butterflies to dance around in your stomach and your heart to beat at a high rate. His soft lips that made you feel like you were the most precious thing in the world. The most important person. His soft lips that made you feel like you were in heaven every time they touched yours. His soft lips that could from one moment to the other start kissing you with so much hunger, like there was no tomorrow. Devouring you with licks and bites. Dean's groans and growls sending shivers down your spine. But you were not one to complain. No. Not when that's what you did. Kissing him hungrily and desperately. Because that's what you were, anymore. Desperate to have him as close to you as possible. 

And you kept kissing his full lips that drove you crazy. His full lips that took your breath away. Just like his body.

Oh boy, that body.

Strong muscular arms that when they held you close to him made you feel like you were... at home. Where you belonged. His callused and soft hands brought goosebumps to you. They felt cold as they came into contact with the skin of your body but they weren't. It was just that you were starting to feel even more hot. The temperature of your body had risen and of course you knew why. And then there was his chest, strong. Though his fast beating heart indicated that inside there was something more. Something more than just want. It was love. You knew it. Maybe 'love' was a big word to use, already, but it was true nonetheless. Just like what you felt for this man. Not just for his appearance. Over the course of time you had realized that his personality was even more interesting. He was sweet, when he wanted to, funny, dorky sometimes even, nice, generous, selfless (as you had found out from things Meredith had told you about - things she knew from Sam), caring, modest - okay maybe not all the time - okay, yeah, almost never but you were going to complain anyway. He would be bashful, shy, hell even cute, one time and then he would go all... Dean mode. That's the only way you could describe it. His preferences was a whole other story - and you weren't going to start on how damn much you had loved him for those!

So, yes, it wasn't just his appearance that attracted you to him. But it wasn't his personality alone, either. Maybe a mix of those. A mix of those along with... his scent. Damn his scent.

The man's scent itself could drive you crazy in a split second. His scent that from the beginning had you hooked over him.

You breathed in and out deeply, your hands at his back trying to grasp onto something but only finding skin. So instead you dug your fingers there. You were sure there would be some pretty evident marks left there the next morning.

"Omega" Dean groaned pushing his hips to yours. His face was buried at the crook of your neck, kissing and licking at your soft spot.
Your eyes were closed and a smile was on your lips. Your mind was blank and you could not think about anything. Anything but Dean and what was actually happening between the two of you right now.

"Mate" Dean's soft voice was heard and once your brain managed to register what he had actually said, your eyes fluttered open.

They fluttered open but what surprised was what you saw...

... an empty room. 

No Dean there. Just you under the covers, in your pjs...


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