Chapter 15

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There was only one question left unanswered, though.

Why had Sam, his brother, lied to him?

Because Dean was more than sure that Sam had lied to him. He had lied to him about your being an Alpha while you were in fact an Omega, his Omega.

Dean's mind drifted to other kind of thoughts, although he didn't want to, and gripped the steering well tighter; his knuckles turning white. He did not want to think of such things, Sam was his brother after all, but he was an Alpha and Dean could not help the possessiveness he felt over his Omega, over you, even if it was his brother he was jealous of.

He gritted his teeth and parked the Impala outside the hospital. He exited it and slamming the door behind him, for the first time not caring to think about his precious baby, he made his way towards the hospital. Passing by nurses and doctors that seemed to be constantly on the move and making his way to his brother's office.

He saw him inside, saying something to Meredith that was there, and without missing a beat he pushed open the door; startling the both of them.

"Dean-" Sam only managed to say before Dean spoke.

"Why did you lie to me?!" Dean shouted angrily and Sam and Meredith looked at him with wide eyes.

"What-?" Sam did not manage to say more.

"Don't you dare deny it!" he pointed a finger at Sam "You knew she was an Omega, you fucking knew it! And you lied to me! You told me she was an Alpha so that I would stay away from her! You fucking lied to me!!" Dean roared and Sam avoided eye contact with him anymore.

"Dean I-I didn't-" Sam tried to explain himself but Dean didn't let him.

"No Sam! YOU DID! Stop denying it damn it!" Dean gritted his teeth and with a swift movement of his hand he threw away from Sam's desk some papers and other things that were there.

"I believed you Sam! I fucking believed you because you are my brother and would never do anything to harm me but Sam - damn, you lied to me! She is not an Alpha and you know it as well! She's an Omega! I'm not the only Alpha that could smell it. Lockwood, Parker and many more Alphas at the football team could smell it too. I was not mistaken! I was right! You knew she was an Omega, MY Omega Sam - she isMY Omega and you lied to me! You told me to stay away from her because that was the right thing to do, and I did. I stayed away from! I ripped out my own heart Sam, because I trusted you, because I believed you. I stayed up every night thinking of what I wanted and what I should do. I was a wreck, Sam, because I couldn't have her. Because, according to you, I had to stay away from her! Why did you lie to me damn it?!" Dean had by now grabbed Sam and pinned him to the wall behind him; Meredith was behind Dean, pleading for him to stop. But Dean did not pay even the least bit of attention to her.

"I-" Sam swallowed the lump in his throat and looked down, not daring to look his brother in his eyes. He knew Dean was right. He knew it from the beginning but decided to lie to him nonetheless, risking everything to... protect Dean from heartbreak.

"I didn't want you to get attached" Sam mumbled and Meredith looked at him with a sad look, knowing fully well what was to come.

"Didn't want me to-" Dean stopped himself, looking at his brother in disbelief "What the hell are you even talking about Sam?! She is my Omega, Sam, despite the age gap and the fact that I'm her teacher, she is my mate and I hers! Nobody could ever bring any objection-" Dean started speaking again but Sam cut him off.

"I didn't want you to get attached in case she didn't make it!" Sam shouted at him and Dean frowned at him.

He took a few steps back, letting go of Sam and looking at him with a deep frown; breathing heavily "Wh-what do you mean with that?" he asked, fearing to hear the question.

"Sam?!" he asked again in panicked voice tone.

"She was in a car accident" Meredith that had went next to Sam, spoke instead of him. Tears had welled up in her eyes "(Y/n) was in a car accident. Her and Caroline. Caroline is fine but she-" Meredith almost choked on a sob "She's in a coma Dean. And we don't know when she will wake up... If she wakes up"

"What?" Dean breathed out "No, no no. She can't- (Y/n) can't-" he started shaking his head frantically "She can't die! (Y/n) cannot die! She will wake up. She has to wake up! She- she will be fine. She needs to-" he started saying, mostly to himself; trying to convince himself that you were going to be alright.

"Dean, please. Calm down" Sam tried to make him relax, in vain though as Dean seemed to be on the verge of having a panic attack.

"Calm down?! How the hell can I calm down when I don't know if the woman I love will survive tomorrow or not?!" Dean shouted at his brother. He looked down, taking deep breaths and trying to calm himself down. He run a hand down his face as the tears started to well up in his eyes.

"Dean" Sam said softly, putting his hands on his brother's shoulders.

Dean looked up at him with glistening eyes, pain written all over his face "I can't lose her, Sam. I love her" he whispered, his voice cracking at the end.

Sam looked at his brother with a sad look, his own heart aching at seeing him like this; broken on the point of no repair "I know, Dean, I know" he mumbled and hugged his brother tightly.


"Are you feeling better?" Sam asked Dean as they both made their ways to your room, strong coffees in hand.

"I will feel better only when I see her" Dean said firmly.

Sam smiled softly "She will wake up, Dean, I'm sure of that" he said in an encouraging way, putting a comforting hand on his brother's shoulder.

"I hope so" Dean mumbled and looked down at his coffee.

"Here we are" Sam said after a while of walking in silence.

Dean looked up at the closed door and felt his breath hitch on his throat.

"Her parents are here too and Meredith is talking to them right now. She won't be able to keep them distracted for a long time, though, so you better do quickly. You can stay after, too, but when they are here try to show only professional worry- don't let them suspect anything. Not until the results of the blood test are ready at least" Sam told him, reminding to keep some distance till the verification that you were his mate was out.

Dean nodded, not really having payed attention to what Sam said and without hesitating he took a few remaining steps till the door.  He put his hand on the handle and slowly opened the door. He stepped into the room and he felt his eyes widen, his mouth hanging open and his heart... oh his heart had never ached so much before.

He felt as if he couldn't breath at seeing the sight he had in front of him. All kinds of machinery were around you. Wires connected to you from every point, bandages wrapped around your arms and one around your head, a breathing mask was over your face. Your face. It was drained of any color. Pale and lifeless, that's how you looked. Your eyes were closed, not moving; just like the rest of your body. Clear indication that you were in a state between life and... death.

The mere thought of it made Dean choke on a sob. He gave his coffee to his brother and walked around into the room, towards you; his eyes never leaving you.

"Oh baby" he whispered in disbelief, brushing your cold cheek with the back of his hand.

He grabbed a chair from nearby and sat on it. He took hold of your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. He shut his eyes tightly and held your hand in his, close to his lips. Kissing it every so often and brushing it against his cheek as if you were actually the one doing that.

"Please wake up soon, baby" he whispered refusing to realize that there was a chance, a high one at that, that...

... you might never wake up.

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