Chapter 14

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"How can I not worry about her Sam, she's my mate. My Omega" Dean said with a small sigh of relief.

"That's the thing" Sam said in a low voice, and Dean frowned.

"Dean" Sam said in a firm voice, looking Dean straight in the eyes "She's not your mate. (Y/n) is not your Omega. She is not your mate because she is not an Omega. She is an Alpha." Sam said and Dean's eyes widened.

"Dean, (Y/n) is an Alpha" Sam repeated the truth, handing Dean the medical files.

Dean stared at him with wide eyes, not moving an inch. He looked exactly like a statue, save for his eyes blinking. 

"Dean?" Sam asked worried, seeing Dean's shocked face and not moving body; he even did not move his hand to take the files.

"Dean? Dean are you ok?" Sam asked more urgently "Dean say something!"

"Wh-what?" Dean breathed out in a really low voice; blinking.

He shook his head slightly "Sam wh-what did you just say?" he asked in disbelief.

Sam let out a low sigh and looked down at his hands "I'm sorry, Dean. But that's the truth. (Y/n) is not your Omega. She is not even an Omega" Sam mumbled but Dean had gotten over the shock and was now angry.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" he roared; grabbing Sam by the hem of his jacket.

"Whoa whoa Dean, calm down man. Calm down" Sam tried to soothe him.

Dean seemed to relax as he let go of Sam but that was only for a few seconds "How can I calm down Sam? Do you even hear what you're saying?! It's my mate you're talking here about, not just any other woman. It's (Y/n) damn it!" Dean gritted his teeth "My mate, and you're telling me she doesn't belong with me?! How the hell would you feel if they took Meredith away from you, huh?!"

"Dean, please, just hear me out ok?" Sam looked up at his brother with a sad and pleading look that made Dean relax for a little bit "She came a couple days ago by the hospital. Meredith made her come to check for any illness, because (Y/n) said that she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go to school. So of course we had a blood test carried out too. I only got to see the results today. She's fine as long as health is concerned but... something weird caught my eye, in a cellular level I mean. She... she is not an Omega, Dean. I noticed that her cell construction doesn't match one of an Omega so I had an extra test carried out and... I confirmed it. There is no doubt left... (Y/n) is not and Omega, Dean, she's an Alpha" Sam let out a sigh as he finished explaining.

"What? No, no no. No, Sam, no. She can't be- It can't be- It can't be possible! I-I know it! I smelled it, when I first met her, I could smell it every time she was next to me, Sam! She-she can't be an Alpha, Sam. She's an Omega! She is my Omega!" Dean said frantically, tears welling up in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Dean" Sam said once again "But she's not."

"No, Sam, no. She- I-I know it she-" Dean started to say again, breathing in and out quickly as if he was having some sort of panic attack.

"Dean!" Sam said firmly, cutting off his brother "I'm sorry but she's not your Omega. You have made a mistake. It could be because of your wishing to meet your mate that you confused her scent but the truth is that  she's an Alpha. Not your Omega. She's not your mate... and thus... you will have to stay away from her. You must stay away from her Dean. You must not even so think about her. You have to Dean." Sam said and pursed his lips.

Dean only stared at him with wide eyes. He slammed back to his chair and only stared at his brother, mouth hanging slightly open. He kept shaking his head in disbelief, his heart pounding loudly in his ears. Or more likely what was left of his shattered heart.

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