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Flora's POV

I yawn and roll over to face away from the curtains that's letting in all the bright light. I rub my eyes to get rid of the sleep and jump off my bed because it's too high for me and my feet doesn't reach the floor.

I go to my bathroom and take of my clothes then jump into the shower. After a quick shower I change into my clothes dad picked for me. For today he picked this orange t shirt really pretty skirt with this flower patterns and a pair of brown sandal/boot thingy.

 For today he picked this orange t shirt really pretty skirt with this flower patterns and a pair of brown sandal/boot thingy

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Where my manners, let me introduce myself. Hiiii! I'm Flora. I'm 8 years old and I love singing and dancing. I live with my dad as my mum died when I was a baby so I don't remember a lot about her. My dad is my best friend. He is a gang leader. Technically he isn't bad guy though. He doesn't hurt innocent people. Just people who deserve it. I'm home schooled due to him being a gang leader and all. I've never gone to physical school.

I pick up the basket that has everything to do my hair and went downstairs to see dad like every day. He was sitting in the rocking chair with a coffee reading newspaper. I put the basket on the coffee table in front of him and went over to him. "Good morning daddy" I say. He realizes I'm in the room so puts the newspaper down and scoops me up on his lap. "Good morning princess" Dad says and kisses my forehead. Dad looks at my dripping wet hair and fake sighs as I just giggle as a response. He opens the basket and takes out a grey towel and gently towel dries my hair as we just talk about random stuff. He then picks me up and takes me to the kitchen and places me at the counter. He plugs in the hair dryer and dries my hair into my natural waves. He finished my hair and puts everything in the basket. The maids will clean it and put it in my room later.

Dad took a chair and placed it in front of me and sat down as we just talk about random stuff. The maids brought our breakfast as we just messed around taking a long time to actually finish the breakfast. 

"So princess, I have to go for two nights for work. Your nanny is not well so she can't come and I don't trust you alone with these maids so you are coming with me alright?" Dad asks. A huge smile finds it way on my face. Dad is really overprotective and never let me comes with him cause apparently it's dangerous so most of the time I'm with my nanny. I enthusiastically nod my head smiling like crazy. Dad chuckles at my reaction shaking his head. "But is nana okay?" I say frowning a little. "She is okay don't worry hun." Dad said to me. "Okay" I reply.

"Alright then. I have already packed your suitcase so we don't need to prepare anything." Dad says as one of the maids bring my suitcase and other dad's. "We need to go....... holy sh- moly now" Dad says rushing to take his keys wallets phone and stuff. He picks me up and rushed out of the door. Someone put our stuff in the car and we rush in. Dad puts me in in front seat and buckles me as he runs and sits in the driver's seat.

(Half an hour later)

"Where are we going?" I ask dad. "We're going to Manchester" Dad replied not taking his eyes off the road. Did I mention we're from London? No? Well now I did. I sigh bored.
"Near your leg there should be your backpack with your mac book, phone, air pods, snacks and water bottle" Dad told me with a amused smile seeing my boredom. I grin at him and immediately check and to his word there it was. I pulled it up and placed it on my lap. I looked inside to see everything he said was there but there was also my pencil box and a copy. I frown thinking of school work. I hate it. "You're still gonna have to do your school work missy" Dad said chuckling at my reaction. He is evil.

I cross my hand and pout. "I thought you maybe forgot" I say disappointed. He was gonna give a witty reply but we were interrupted by a gunshot. I screamed scared and quickly close my bad hugging it to my chest. Dad's playful expression was gone and replaced by a worried one. He increased the speed and wheezed through the empty road. Another bullet was shot right through the back window from my side. I let out a little scream surprised and terrified. There was a black car following us and shooting us. 

Dad looked towards me worried then again looked upfront to the road. "Princess go under your seat and don't come up until I come to get you." Dad shouted through all the gun shot sound. At this point I was full on crying. I did as dad told me. I took of my seat belt and  curled up in a ball under my seat hugging my bag to the chest as it seems to be my only any kind of comfort. Dad pulled up the car and unbuckled himself. "I love you more than anything princess. Please remember that if anything happens. I want you to be happy with or without me" Dad said making me cry more. He took out his gun and got out of the car before i can reply. I don't want to lose my dad too.

I sob as I hear gun shots being fired for a few minutes. The next thing I heard made my heart leap onto my throat. Dad let out a scream and fell over. I jumped up to run to him but remember what dad told me. But before the car that followed us could see me they drove away. I pushed the door open and ran to my dad who was laying on the concrete road surrounded in blood. Most of it was from his head. He was shot on the head. I ran towards him and my knees gave out as fell beside him not caring that my knees were scraped really badly. I let out a pained scream.

Dad looked at me and tried to smile to reassure me but that didn't exactly work. I hold his hand as more sobs left my mouth. "Dad please don't leave me. Please you can't leave me too. I need you. I love you please don't leave me" I tell him crying more as I reach for my phone to call ambulance. There was no signal though seeing we are surrounded by trees both side. "No no no no no no noooo" I say as I throw the stupid useless phone. 

Dad smiles at me and puts his hand that is covered in his blood on my cheek. I cry more not being able to do anything. I was so caught up sobbing I didn't realize 3 cars coming right beside us stopping and men coming out and looking at us. Dad smiles at me and says, "I-i-I l-l-love *cough* y-y-you t-too princess. Y-y-you m-m-mean e-e-everyt-t-thing to m-m-me. I'll a-a-always be there looking o-o-ver you. Pl-l-lease t-t-try t-to *cough* be h-happy. L-live y-y-your li-ife t-to the full-lest i-i- w-will al-l-ways be wi-i-th you my b-baby" Dad says and before I could reply his hand that was stroking my cheek went limp. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" I scream holding him as more sobs leave my mouth. I was lifted off of him as I thrashed my arms and legs wanting to go back to dad. "Dad noo dad please tell me this is a prank. Please dad. Dad you can't leave me" I scream through sobs still thrashing my legs and arms around trying to get out of the person's hold.

Someone crouched down in front of me but I didn't pay attention to them. That person held both of my wrist and stopped it from throwing it around. I screamed and cried dad for a few more minutes but then I got tired and gave up. Silent tears left my eyes as I went limp in the person holding me.

"Hey hey look at me" A deep voice told me. It was really scary sounding. A hand turned my face to look at them. I blinked a few times trying to get rid of the blurriness. When my vision cleared a little I saw a man crouching down in front of me. He had this soft smile on his face. He wiped the tears off my face gently which was pointless as more fat tears left my eyes down my face. He just sighed and said, "It's alright. Everything will be okay." He said softly. I didn't exactly believe him but he was trying to help. I looked around to see at least 20 man in black looking at me in pitty.

"Tell Klint we're returning. Don't mention her I'd like to tell him personally" He orders and one of the man nods and leaves calling someone who I'm guessing is Klint.

The man then turned to me giving me a reassuring smile and picked me up and placed me on his hip. I would've fought in protest but I was soo tired I couldn't. I could barely keep my eyes open. In instinct I wrapped my legs and arms around him and laid my head on his shoulder as another sob left my mouth. I tried to stay awake but I couldn't. I slowly fell asleep exhausted.



Hey guys!

What do you think of this new story? Please vote and share if you like this chapter and follow me if you like my work. Also i would really apreciate it if you comment your opinion.

I have so may cute ideas for this book i'm so excited. I made myself cry writing this chapter. Oh btw I'm sorry for the really sad first chapter.

-Love Shreeya

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