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Dear Devin,

I know that life can be hard at times. That things may not always turn for your favor. There will be obstacles in your path to greatness my son. There will be hardships, people will come and go. But promise me this, that no matter what, you will hold your head up high and spit at life's face when it try's to push you down. Become who you want to become and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you my son


My dad gave me this letter before the bombs fell. He died after I was born. I was an infant when the nukes came crashing down. My mother and I were put in a cryogenic freezer and when all that was left of humanity came out, our whole planet changed. Now it wasn't the stereotypical fallout wasteland game, civilization came back before we came out. The only change was the fact that all of the animals in the world were changed into highly intelligent anthropomorphic beings. They have human like features, just covered in fur and have ears, tails, and facial features of an animal.

It was a big surprise to humanity at first but we got use to it, but I wish I could say the same for the furries. Most started hating us humans from the moment we walked out. Some even wanted us to be put to slavery, but luckily the president during this time has an opened mind. Me and my mother have lived in this new world for a few years...but...
* 8 year old Devin's POV*

I was waiting for my mom to return from work. She usually gets back at 7:30pm, but it is 10pm now. I was getting worried but luckily my moms friend was baby-sitting me and helped me calm down. She's really nice to us. She's an anthro golden retriever, and they met each other at the coffee shop that my mom works at. She likes to help us out in anyway possible; keeps us company, makes food for us, and helps keep all of the jerk furs off our behinds, as my mom likes to call it.

 She likes to help us out in anyway possible; keeps us company, makes food for us, and helps keep all of the jerk furs off our behinds, as my mom likes to call it

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Me: Hey Jess? *gets her attention*
Jessica: Yes sweetheart?
Me: When do you think my mom will come back?

Jess then hugs me in a comforting manner and rubs my head.
(A/n: not that kind of head least not yet)

Jessica: I'm sure she just went to the grocery store to pick some stuff up before she got home. You don't need to worry about a thing.
Me: Okay.
Jessica:...Hey. What do you say we play some video games until your mom returns?
Me: Yeah!

*Jessica's POV*

Me: So how do I collect wood in this game
Devin: You go towards the tree and hold R2
Me: Okay. Not sure why I'm using my fists but it's what it is. *punches tree*...*collects wood*
Devin: "There you go champ"
Me: Are you mocking me Devin?
Devin:....maybe (•-•)
Me: Oh you're gonna get it now! *starts tickling Devin*
Devin: No!! Ahahaha! Sto-hahahaha STOP IT!!! Hahahaha!!! I-haha I c-hahaha-an't breathe!!
*Doorbell rings*

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