Chapter 5: Whiskey a Go Go and A Fude

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*Devin's POV*

It's been a few weeks since we started playing and things....haven't been looking up for us. The places that we play at are paying very little and we had to start working at minimum wage jobs. Not to mention, Loona seems to be depressed about something. She still plays bass amazingly, but she hasn't said anything to us at all. When driving in the van, we see the neon signs of the bars and clubs that litter the sunset strip. We start looking around, asking if they had any open mics or needed any bands. We got a couple gigs, now...we're on our way to the big score

"Whiskey A Go Go"

Me: Motley Cru, Van Halen, AC/DC...they all started here.

Leo: Fuck yeah man. This is it!!!! I just know it mate.

Ricky: Okay now lads. Just- Just don't get cheesed off if they don't let us play.

I was expecting Loona to make a smart remark to Ricky....but nothing. Just that same sad look in her eyes.

Me: Hey guys. Y'all go oh ahead.

Leo: Aight mate just be sure to be in, we can't do anything without our singer.

The others started going in, but I touched Loona's shoulder.

Me: Hey Loona, can we talk?

Loona: uuum...Sure.

We sit on a bench and talk low as to not gain attention from anybody walking around.

Me: So what's up? You're acting different.

Loona: Huh? The fuck do you mean by that?!

Me: I can tell when someone is hurt. Call it a sixth sense. Whenever I talk to someone who's hurting, I get this feeling in my chest that something is wrong, and most of the time I'm tell me...What's wrong?

She looked like she was about to get defensive and act like nothing was wrong....but the facade soon breaks. She starts to sniffle and a few tears fall.

Loona: My...My now ex boyfriend cheated on me.

Me: *gasp* oh shit. L-Loona....I'm so sorry.

Loona: *wipes her mascara tears away* I-...It's not your was that bastards fault.

Me: I know. But still doesn't mean I can't show my empathy.

I go up to her and hug her.

Me: It'll be ok.

God....I can't imagine what Loona is thinking.

*POV Change: Loona*

My mind was completely blank. Now normally if someone hugged me without permission I'd kick their asses....but....I don't want to for Devin. I...I actually liked it. It was comforting, warm...and not perverse. Usually when someone tries to hug me, they try and feel me up or grope me...but not him. It was then that I noticed his muscles under his shirt.

Me: Holly shit! Those can cut Diamonds!!!

I felt my face heat up picturing what they look like underneath all the clothing~. But I quickly snap out of it after realizing that he has a girlfriend.

Me: U-Umm. Thanks Devin...I...I actually needed that.

Devin: No problem Loona.

Devin: No problem Loona

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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