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***decided to do more than just one chapter today. Hope y'all enjoy!! I been slackin lol***

Marlana: Can we get in our pj's now???

Meriah: Yassss please!! These jeans are killing be!!

Prod: Alright we'll go see what we can find for y'all

*the boys go shoppin for clothes in their suit cases and come back with sweats and tshirts for everybody*

Ray: Y'all room is across the hall so y'all can go over there to change and what not. *gives the key to Marlana*

Marlana: Alright. We'll be back!!!

*all the girls leave and go to their room*



Briana: You took the words right out of my mouth!!!! Oh my gaawwdd!! Okayy... Ladies I need details!! Exactly what's happenin right now?!

Marlana: Well umm me and Ray  we good!! Omg his lips!!! Guurrrllll!!! He's perfect. I've been spazzin on the inside like allllll day. But it's like.. I don't even knooww!!! It feels like we've known each other forever!

Nahndi: Girl I know what you mean!!! When me and Niko was talkin on the roof it was almost like he could read my mind!! Liiikkkeee

Tiera: Okay what exactlyhappened on the ripple anyways?!

Nahndi: Well nothing. We got up there and sat on this little bench and talked. Watched the sunset and talked some more. It got to the point where we didn't even have to talk anymore! We just understood each other.

Briana: Did u kiss him?

Nahndi: Nope

Briana: Wwhhhaaattt?!!! Really?!! Why not?? I know you wanted to!!!

Nahndi: Hell yeah I wanted to!!! But maybe another time. Everything was still perfect! Now Tiera, what's up wit you and Prod??

Tiera: To be honest, I'm not sure!! Like we ain't together but we are both off limited to other people. If that makes sense.

Nahndi: I guess...?

Tiera: Like we kiss and talk and everything it's just not defined yet. We just chhiilliinn

YN: Me and Roc is kinda the same way. Like he just told me a little while ago that he likes me but he wants to take things slow soo...

Tiera: No kiss yet?

YN: No :((( I want to sooo bad tho!! Like them lips scream KISS ME!

Nahndi: I feel you! We'll be alright tho. Cuz when we do kiss our dudes it'll be the BEST!

YN: I know. But Briana, what's up wit u and Prince?

Briana: Perfection. Everythings happening fast like he already sayin I'm his girlfriend and he my boyfriend. It's official y'all!! I'm happy. He seems so genuine and like he really care. I couldn't have ever asked for anything more...

YN: Awww look at y'all thats cute.

Briana: Yeah until it's tine for us to leave... What if we Never see each other again?? Imma be soo heartbroken!!

YN: Don't worry bout that..

Briana: That's impossible. Oh well tho..

*it gets quiet for a minute*

Marlana: Meriah, you haven't talked about you and Meak. What's up with y'all?

Meriah: Nothing. Everything. I don't know.

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