A Good Times

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*it's a new day now. All the girls are at their own homes doing their own thing. Their summer vacation is coming to an end, however, and they are getting back ready for school.*


I kinda missed being at home. I feel at peace here. But my peace is always corrupted by guilt. I still miss Roc. I haven't tried talking to him again tho. I'm scared of what he might say. But I have been talking to somebody else.... Coriano. I don't know but I think he is really a different person. He makes me feel so special and whether or not it's healthy to keep going back to him, I don't care.. We have a lot of history. Besides, he said he's changed, and I believe him.

While I was in the middle of my thoughts my mom walked into my room. Me and my mom have always had a tight relationship. She understands me really. But, although I normally tell her everything, she has yet to find about the dark side of Cori. She also doesn't know about Roc.

Essies's Mom: What are you planning on doing today!

Essie: Nothing really. Why?

EM: Well since school is getting close, I figured we could do a little back to school shopping.

Essie: Today?

EM: Well yeah... Plus I really want some new shoes and it gives us a reason to get out of this house!

Essie: Alright... Let me get dressed.

EM: Alright I'll be in the living room whenever you're ready,

Essie: Gotcha

I start going through my clothes to find the perfect mall outfit. After going through all me drawers and all through my closet, I decided on some shorts and a loose tank. I put done sandals on and checked myself out in my full length mirror to make I looked decent. I looked okay. I figured it was as good as I would get so I went to the living room to show my mom I was ready. When I walked in the room she said, "You look nice."

"You have to say that. You're my mom," was my response. We always had this conversation. She says I look just like her but I disagree. She was stunning. Her skin has the perfect mixture of chocolate and gold, Her eyes are a beautiful hazel, and she has a shape that I could only dream for. It's no wonder men give her whatever she wants. Yet she isn't married. I don't have a problem with that at all tho. Since she can get whatever, I can get whatever. And I don't have to worry about a man coming in and ruining our family.

We go outside and get into the car. It's a beautiful day today! I'm glad I'm not sitting at home anymore. After pulling out the drive way, we make our way to the mall. We spent a lot of time here. Just us two. Sometimes we come just to get out the house. Sometimes we just want a new shirt or some new shoes. Other times we end up here because one of us is upset. The mall is like a therapy. It calms us. This is a good thing as well as a bad thing. I love shopping, but sometimes I just wanna talk about my problems whether than just shopping them a way. After all, new shoes can't mend a broken heart.

We had been in the mall for about and hour when I hear my phone ring. It's Cori. I debate on answering it but to avoid any drama, I went ahead and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey baby, what are you up to?"

"I'm at the mall."

"With who?"

"My mom. Who else?"

"I don't know. Could be the Roc guy. Or maybe another guy I don't know about," he said to me. I was used to this. I realized where this conversation was going so I slowly drifted away from my mom so she couldn't hear.

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