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Pressing her palms together, she hung her head low to face the wooden ground. She gritted her teeth in fear that God would continue to ignore her pleas to twist her future for a better ending. The woman with the appearance similar to a white rose blooming in a summer spring clutched her finger and tilted her head to face the glass mosaic.

"All I want is for him and I to be together."

Frustrated, she added, "Is that too much too ask?"

Ysabella, who despite believed that there is no God- prayed. She detested the belief that there is a being more powerful than her kind. A creature that could control time and space. 

The only one who can alter her fate.

And thus, with that belief, Ysabella desperately prayed for the Almighty Being above for IT to hear her hopeless pleas- begging the God she once did not believe in to bless her a life where tragedy does not befall her and her beloved.

Sadly, Ysabella did not hear a voice. Her ears merely listened to her silent mumblings of prayer and the jolly chatters of humans on the Church's front porch.

She scoffed, giving up any hope and faith that there was really someone who could change her destiny. Glaring at the figure of a man with twinkling eyes, his hands extended to symbolise that he is willing to help. Ysabel couldn't help but cry out in betrayal,

"How many lives must I live for me to reach my happy ending?!"

Only the echo of her voice replied to her question.

Ysabella, My Love - WMMAPWhere stories live. Discover now